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Monday, February 26, 2007
yes i know!! You guys have been waiting for me to resurrect my blog for the longest time rite!!!

Well the good news is, I AM BACK!! And to elaborate further, THE BARBIIQUEEN'S BACK!!

Grrr, you know, i'm not very sure whether its cause I haven been using blogger for so long, i can't underline stuffs.. hmm.. Well you know, since blogger is now with google(or has it always been, well anyhows), they've actually undergone quite a number of revamps(*ahem* didn't really keep track) and so, now, the blogger beta, is actually a lil, just seems a LITTLE unfamiliar to me, tt's all.

Well anyway, do keep my blog in view alrite!! haha, cause this time, i am NOT going to let my blog die!! haha

Sunday, October 08, 2006



Friday, September 22, 2006

Tuesday, September 05, 2006
ok ladies, now, about 2 weeks after the much gawked about lawsuit win by our very own local-tech firm creative technology over the US's apple in the US, maybe we should start thinking about getting ourself patented, you know, register whatever we think other people might use over time.
hey, maybe you could snag around US$100 million. that's quite a lump sum i think.

maybe you should patent ideas like your blogging style, or even the way you spell 'eu' or 'mie', just so to make sure maybe in future, someone who really just happened to think that they want to spell that word that particular way ,would have to pay you(*shrugs*). even though maybe the both of you are both human, and act the same way, and surprise surprise, happen to operate the same way, people put the both of you together and compare. Well, just so happens that the both of you blog, or msn, and ta-dah! you type the same way. and now, you can actually sue the other fella cos you started spelling this first! ( US$100 million!!)

not getting my point? let me explain to you ladies (and gentleman),
basically, creative and apple are the same, just like samsung mp3 and sony mp3s. THEY ARE ALL MP3s. okay, so now. creative sues apple for violating Section 337 of the Tariff Act, and infringing the zen patent. okay, something about the interface, of which the definition is equipment or programs designed to communicate information from one system of computing devices or programs to another. and even though i really support local goods, so that the real value of sing dollars is kept at a certain level, i really have to say something fair. THE 2 PRODUCTS DON'T EVEN LOOK THE SAME. sure, they look similar but please tell me. which mp3 don't look the same? even the cameras and handphones look the same! they function the same way too. so according to where this is going( btw, creative is launching another lawsuit against the other mp3 firms, now that they have US$100 million in their pockets, i'm pretty sure they have quite some spare cash to spend on hiring great lawyers, and in due time, they'll probably stop selling mp3s and start earning their money through lawsuits. o, they really only need less than 10 employees which means their profit will really see an upward rise that is rarely seen in the company's financial report in years.. o..) , maybe the whole economy should stop going and people should just earn money through lawsuits. RIGHT.

all i am saying is ladies, always keep your eyes open. don't try to win something that will only make people laugh at your stupidity for even raising the matter. of cos, when the other party is a male species, that makes a whole different story. ALWAYS WIN. when it's a lady, give way girl, for that will only make you glammer.

Monday, September 04, 2006
10 Things I Hate About You

1. I hate it when you always stare, thinking that I don't see it.

2. I hate it when you walk towards me yet pretending that you don't see me.

3. I hate it when you make a whole load of noise with your friends when you see me.

4. I hate it when you always go to the same place as me everyday.

5. I hate it when you weren’t there to see me at my proudest moment.

6. I hate it when you go out with some other girl that I know.

7. I hate it when you realize that I hate you.

8. I hate it when I start to care.

9. I hate it when I hate everything about you; and most importantly,

10. I hate the way I feel when you left without a word.

It’s amazing how sometimes hatred for a person can make you fall for him.
It’s amazing how god decided how relationships work.
You will never know how god has decided for you how the both of you will meet.
You will never know what form god has decided the love of your life will be, someone you don’t know? Or someone you’ve already known a lifetime yet never realized the importance of that person in your life?
Take a good look around you, open your eyes big. And see the wonders of the world.
God gave us the ability to love. Use it, use it well.
Love, will always be there. It’s for you to find it.

Don’t treat love to be like waiting for taxis, always around when you aren’t waiting for it, yet always full when you’re waiting for it. It’s not that there aren’t enough taxis around, but that you always think that taxis are always there for you to choose. Sometimes, when you don’t notice, taxis might just come and queue up waiting for you to board them. Now, which one would you choose to board? You can’t just walk away, if you do, they just might decide that they don’t want your business and go look for others.

Seize the opportunities ladies, don’t wait till it’s too late.
Remember, don’t live life with regrets.

Friday, September 01, 2006
alright. i may not rock, but i love being a women. and i can assure you that all the other ladies who are reading(yes you. no, don't turn your head around, im referring to you honey=]) are not sure whether you love being a women or not. well let me tell you why you should feel blessed that you are borned a women.

Being a women allows you to enjoy the pain of being pregnant and of cos, the torture of giving birth. (this IS NOT meant to be sarcastic.. i REALLY mean it..)you see, men can never enjoy the pain of giving birth to a LIFE!!! YOU (ladies) are the one's who allowed a life to be squeezed out of your vagina! and its not as if the guys have it but anyhows, they can never experience the joy of having your precious part to be cut when you're having contractions cos the baby require a much bigger opening for its head to come out but anyhows, THEY cannot experience this even if they desperately want to, and the very fact that your kid has came out from you, will only make the both of you closer for he came out from where nobody ever goes(well, hopefully except your husband) and he owes you one!
ps. you guys all better treat your mom right i tell you, for RETRIBUTIONS comes b4 you know it.

being a women allows you to dress in clothes of 2 gender. yup thats right. you can dress like a guy, you know the usual package: baggy jeans+baggy shirt........ i mean, you're sure to have wore it like at least once in your long life rite? BUT. have you ever seen a guy with skirt or dress? RARELY right? haha. k, im saying its rarely cos im not very sure how boys behave nowadays but since its growing to be disappointing i think i better not generalise the good with the bad. o, where was i? oya, the fact that when guys wear a dress they're called a person with a case of 'sexual confusion' while for the ladies, its only having self identity. get the point? and trust me girls,
boys will always be boys, no metrosexuals, only gays.

YOU CAN GAWK AT GUYS AND NOT FEEL LIKE YOU'VE DONE THE ENTIRE FEMAKE POPULATION WRONG. haha. this is so important and a vital aspect of life! where else doth the joy of living comes shalt no beauty will be seen? o, just getting a little reared up for shakespeare but anyhows, ever since cleopatra, women, are goddess. can't you see, even 'god' is spelled shorter than 'goddess', meaning women possess more power than men!! so enjoy this PREVILEGE of being a women girls. and we won't waste our time on some anime the goes on the a few hundred episodes( WHO wans to watch PIXELS for a few hundred days????) right, that said, being men is just a plain bore! why would anyone DESIRE to be a bore?
they don't even talk much!o, sorry, let me correct myself. they don't have MUCH TOPIC to talk about anyway..

im sidetracking a little but MY POINT IS, that you shouldn allow yourself to not like you own gender for you are who you are and i believe everybody loves you for it=]

love youself, and we'll all love you more. amen.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006
ok. hi, and welcome yet again (ok, i know its kinda boring to start like this like all the time but hey! how do you want me to start like DUH~~)
alright. recently, i've kinda seen a lot of girls having headaches over the kind of guy they fell for. you know, it kind of always include those kind of
"haiya.. dunno how he's like HORX.."
"hey.. what do you think he's like ar?", BEFORE continuing with your own conclusion.
ALRIGHT girls, i HAVE HAD enough! like HALLO~~
so now, im gonna just tell u guys once and for all WHAT kind of guys u should and SHOULD not even fall for. and now ladies, introducing to you


1.Totally hot and gorgeous
ok, please don't say i'm superficial, but i have a totally valid point to support this argument. if guys all suck, you might as well get a hot one and have your visual 'hunger' to be satisfied isnt it? its like the country is now so deprived of guys, let alone hot and cute guys. like they're soo rare, you know? and the very fact that they're rare makes them a whole load cuter and hotter cause you have them while the others don't! ok, i was being slightly out of the point but hey! its true! i rather have a guy that my girlfriends find hot but has a damned attitude than to have a mediocre looking bf which don't impress my girls but treats me like "ok, i don't have to treat you good cause im the rare ones left." well, which one would you choose?

2. The I-Have-Enough-Money-To-Treat-You-To-Fullerton-Everyday guy
oops! im sorry i revealed my true feelings, well, anyhows, im serious. This is the kinda guy whereby you will NEVER REGRET having, Why? Because you'll definitey leave them with something. and o, at least you're able to enjoy whatever you want with him when you are with him, and o, he won't be the pathetic fella who would come back crawling when you two broke up DEMANDING THAT YOU RETURN HIM tHE STUFFS HE GAVE, like sooooo pathetic! and o, one will always enjoy a good high tea and gold class seats rather than the coffee shop teh-terik and the stupid cramped theatre, and O! having to go dutch. whatever happened to the gentleman thingy now eh?

3.Sensitive New Age Guy
OK. they are sensitive and they are metrosexual. so, hmm.. they tend to look clean and polished so, hmm.. well, if you like it, go ahead man, but hey, i have no comments about them=] but if they are like those who just keeps quiet and nothing else? who knows? they might just open their big dumb mouth and give you the WORSE comment you have ever received and girls, PLEASE prepare yourself for this okay, cause let me tell you, SNAGs are SNAGs cause they're sensitive. and sensitive guys tend NOT to show their sensitivity (like my god, if they show it, they would be posers and not sensitive RITE?) and o, looking clean does not mean that he's sensitive, he merely means that he likes cleanliness=]

4.Mr. O-Im-So-Perfect
ha. ok. this DOES not mean he's perfect. it means that he THINKS that he's perfect. ok. why you should fall for this kind of guy? its simple, he's too self-obsessed with himself he really won't control you too much=]

5.He loves you more
please. please. please always always always fall for someone who loves you more than you do to him.. pretty please? i mean.. at least that won't make you suffer like mad la.. you know, the feeling of super insecurity, the feeling of.. URGHHHHH. but anyhows, love who you want, just make sure you don't lose your self identity along the way.

ok, so concluding, there are basically 45%of good men, 45% of bad men. the 10% left? they're gays!! o and on the same note, they usually happen to be hot. =]

Friday, August 25, 2006
Hi, and welcome to another lecture held by me. I am really sorry for not updating my lecture notes regularly as i really am too busy, and hardly even has time to like just slack. okay, the topic for today will be
5 ways to make sure a guy knows that you like him

okay, maybe this topic might sound superficial, but hey! please read on, for i am sure something here will appeal to you. my friends and i have spend years of hard work and research and this, is my report for you.

1. don't STOP staring at him
right, i know this may sound like its wrong cos its like a tiny-whiny bit high-profile but C'MON!! your agenda here is to make sure that he knows your feelings, so the least you can do is to actually make sure he kows that you exist like duh~~ and since i believe human have 5 senses for a reason, im pretty sure he will know that you are staring at him and so will his friends=] and you girls should know AND understand that guys nowadays are NO LONGER those kind who will take initiative unless they're really sure that you have good feelings about him, or at least, no special bad feelings towards you and so, will sort of like start to get to know you and maybe, just maybe, you 2 will achieve your ultimate aim which is to BE TOGETHER(awwwwwwwww... how sweet XD).
but girls, please understand that this is NOT a method that everybody can employ. this method requires guts, not guts to stare at him( oOKAY. im DEFINITELY sure you'll have the guts to stare at him continuously and pretty much get your face to be redder than tomatoes.. well.. this is just a reminder thou) but guts to accept what will come. you must understand that since your guy is supposedly meant to be hot, he's bound to have like a clique hanging around with him and well, when you stare at him, it is usually, if not most of the time, the FRIENDS who will know that you like him first b4 he even noticed you. Which brings me to my next point... FRIENDS.

2.Get to know his friends.
ok, this is a VERY VERY important point. READ THIS: FRIENDS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS PLAYS A VITAL ROLE IN ANY RELATIONSHIP. and im really serious about this. so he likes you.. so what? do you seriously think he's gonna dump all his friends for the sake of having you??(bleahx *rolls my eyes*) i mean, if he really does that, i wouldn't even want him.. like he's so useless??!! if he can so easily dump his friends for you, similarly, he can also dump you for other girls. This is just a fact of life, accept it=] and to be frank, he really won't leave his friends for you cos there're like plenty of girls out there (rem: he's hot.. okay.. lets ASSUME he's hot) and that somehow, he's friends words do matter more than his own thoughts. which is to say, when you want to get to know some hot guys, ALWAYS try to get to know his fre, which hopefully is those whereby they look mediocre and thus assures that you'll never fall for them instead those kinda guy. And tell the frienf you like your hottie, and REMEMBER to ask him specifically NOT to tell hottie about it. well, if he don't like you, so be it.. but you'll at least be good friends with him cos you know his frend and so, you really won't be kicked out of his social life completely and DEFINITELY, you won't be mocked at for your entire life. plus hey! you 2 might even make it to best friends! that means you're pretty much stuck with him for the rest of your life=] isn't that wonderful??!!

3. Click on his friendster account whenever you go online(ok. everyday)
ok. please let me say first that this is ONLY applicable to those with the guts to and cannot stand like 10 hours without seeing the fella. well, if the fella is not annonymous on his profile, he'll definitely see you on top of his 'who's viewed me' list and haha.. i think only an idiot wouldn't realise that you like him isn't it. and well, you wouldn't want to be with an idiot would you? well, the point is, that you really shd be bold and all and girl.. GO ALL THE WAY MAN~~~!!!

4.avoid him and make sure he sees you avoiding him
THIS ALWAYS WORKS. you know y? cos its like, when he sees you PURPOSELY avoiding him, he would feel flustered, thinking "hey.. why is this girl avoiding me?" and haha. you've just achieved your goal babe XD and pls, don't be stupid (oops!) to the extend of avoiding him WHEN he don't know it. you know there's a saying that goes.. whats the point?
so, just go ahead, make VERY sure that he sees you, and THEN, avoid him.

5.dao/ignore him/give him black face
hmm, actually, to be frank, im not really sure this works but im on the midst of experimenting with it. well anyhows, it'll surely get you the attention you want from him and his friends.

actually you know wad? maybe you guys can contribute to this list? and a few weeks from now, i might just collate the ciews and do another revised report=]

ps. thankew so much to all my friends who helped me through their real life experience.

Thank you and see you again

Saturday, August 19, 2006
Good morning, and welcome to the very first lecture of the Royal School Of Plastics. today, we're going to focus our attention to the problem of singaporean men and their attitude, a recent major and critical problem that is creating havoc to the social equilibrum to the singapore society.

i have noted a couple of intolerable behaviours and well, it's up to you as to whether or not you're going to agree with me and (what the hell), i dun really care but hey, feel free to give me your feedback.


1. okay, this is really bad. go up on a train, take a good look around. tell me what do you see? you see men, ALOT of men.. SITTING DOWN. okay, now take a look at all the ladies, where are they? STANDING. okay~~ is this bad? its terrible lemme tell you. the men in singapore are really the most ungentlemenly men i have ever seen. isnt this ironic? singapore is supposed to be THE developing country like duh. ok. so they don't offer their seats? well, its okay, maybe they're tired. (haha. right.) well anihows, never mind. did you see how they practically PUSHED the ladies aside to get out of the train first?? like ******** you know? i mean, that's just freaking embarassing! i mean, i AM feeling embarassed for them like, WADEVERRRRRR. this is just not the behaviour a men should have. GERS!! IF YOUR GUY IS LIKE THAT? DUMP HIM. LIKE THROW HIM INTO THE BIN OR SOMETHING. and if your guy friend is like that? tell him so that he won't repeat the mistake, cos its like a HUGE thing!!!

2. their sense of dressing is just something i don't understand. ok. you want to do jap? do IT. like really go jap. okay, you want to mix jap and hip hop? fine, go ahead, like just do it. BUT. do not put like 10 necklace on your skinny and short neck, nor wear like 3 shirts or pink socks with black shoes or ANYTHING along that line cos it really looks awful like BLEAHXXX*** PUHLEASE.. have some style of some sort and don't aim to look like a beng or mat can? it just looks awful. and girls, please don't wear black stockings with super short denim skirt. it may be a craze in taiwan or japan but HEY. this is NOT taiwan NOR japan. its SINGAPORE like HALLOO.. if you want to wear black stockings, don't go with demi-denim skirt cos you'll only look like a s***. ok. oops, sorry if i've offended you but hey, this is true. ok guys yes. and please do not allow your sense of dressing to deteiorate as your age increases? don't allow the cool hawt guy be a singlet-clatted old disgusting men who has no etiquette whatsoever.

3. don't disgrace yourself by doing something disgusting on any sort of public transport. i have caught different men doing disgusting stuffs like digging their nose or cannot stop rubing their feet kind of actions. ok. it really turn me off like, you know, no respect for those old men anymore. y0u understand?

o and did i mention? the worse thing is to fart on the train. DO YOU KNOW THAT ITS A CONTAINED PLACE?? WHICH MEANS THAT THE SMELL STAYS???
don't make the ladies suffer just because you went to ns before cos let me tell you this.

Thursday, August 17, 2006
hi. good afternoon( or night or morning or wadever is the time you're reading this).
Welcome to the weblog of
The Royal School Of Plastics.
If you're feeling lost or anithing? Don't be. well, at least, if you're here to attend the lecture.
Did i forget to introduce myself?
Hi, Im BarbiiQueen, you can call me Ms Queen.
Just for your information, this blog(owned by yours truly, kryshelle fong, who also happens to be the founder of The Royal School Of Plastics) has just undergone its latest revamp, and is now a platform for yours truly, to express genuine concerns about the gers mindset nowadays. it is also where Ms Queen, will give her lectures. Thank you.

Once again, i congratulate you for finding me, to be your lecturer.

you wun regret.

Sunday, August 13, 2006
issit my fault? y is everyone blaming mie?

y is my family turning out to be like this?

i dun even noe whether i can call this hse my hm animore.

i cry everyday when i go hm.

nobody noes wad i feel.

nobody thinks that i'll actually be sad.

i feel empty.

i feel upset.

nobody loves mie.

i think that the world dun need mie for it to continue turning.

im jus wasting resource in this world.

i should be dead.

this is just a song that always makes mie weep..
im jus gonna make the eng sub in italics..

感情线 Affective line
我想我已开始有点疑惑  i think im starting to get suspicious
好像被他说中些什麼 its like he hit smthng right 
难道已经没有别的选择  are there no more choice for mie?
只能乖乖的束手就策 do i really have to follow ur decision?

难过的是我们做了选择 wads upsetting is tt we've made a decision
是对是错谁也没把握 not knowing whether its right or wrong
如果要我放手才能获得 if the only way to get it is to let go
为何在我心中 有舍不得why do i feel the heart ache so badly?

看著 你要走  watching eu leave
还装著 笑容  yet having to fake the smile
掩饰的 脆弱 要撑多久 how long do i have to cover my vunerability?
如果现在开口 如何挽留 even if i say now, how am i going to stop eu from leaving?
感情这 条线  this affective line between us
注定只能这 麼远 is destined to be so far.

不敢相信已经来到终点  i dun believe that we've come to an end
想你爱他必定多一些 im sure eu love him more than mie
我们之间不可能再 回到从前 we can never go back to before
我还 傻傻画著 幸福线 im still drawing the affective line between us sillily

看著你走远  watching eu leave
还继续装笑脸  yet still having to fake the smile
掩饰折磨我能撑多久 how long can i still take the torture
如果现在开口  if i speak now
怎麼挽留 (怎麼挽留)  how do i make eu stay?
感情这条线  this affective line between us
注定无法延长一点 is destined not to be drawn longer

你已不在  eu're no longer around
而我何时才清醒  when do i wake up
相信一切都是命 and to realise that everything is fated
不曾放弃你  i have never given eu up
我不会说什麼  i wun say anything
默默的承受  just to take it
像个男子汉 like a real man

看著你要走 watching eu leave
(Baby 看著看著你要走) 
还装著笑容 yet still having to fake the smile
掩饰的脆弱 要撑多久 how long can i cover my vulnerability
(还 要撑多久)
如果现在开口 if i speak now
如何挽留 how to i make eu stay?
感情这条线  this affective line
注定只能这麼远看著你要走 (woo~) is just destined for mie to see eu walk off
还装著笑容 (We will carry on) still faking the smile
掩饰的脆弱 要撑多久 how long can i cover my vulnerability?
(knowing there were words I've never said baby)
如果现在开口 (现在开口)  if i speak now
如何挽留 (如何挽留) how am i gonna make eu stay
感情这条线  this affective line is just destined
注定只能 这 麼远 to make it this far.
(Let the words remain unsaid)

yes. i noe i suck. so?
i really dun think that gives eu the right to be so mean to mie, even thou eu noe that i treasure eu.

cos eu noe wad? wadeverrrrr

anihows, cos SOMEBDY (okay fine.. lets name her.. S) dedicated an entire blog entry to mie, so thus, its oni polite that i return one to her=]


ok. first and foremost, definition of eyecandies. ECs literally means EC, which therefore means its for ur eyes and eyes oni. it technically is a term jus for gers to be ogling their so-called HAWT man. ok. and so? fine. so MAYBE, eu may be allowed to ogle at them and at times maybe giggle but HEY! as S says, dun GIGGLE ALL THE TIME AND LET THEM NOE!!!~~~ its kinda abit tat too obvious isnt it gers.. and so, pls dun do tt. come on la.. if some guy always look at eu and giggles ( haha.. i SWEAR i saw him giggle can???) wun eu feel like he's weird or smthg?? damn! i mean.. this is a time where females are supposed to be the dominant one, not the males! its like.. y give them the satisfaction of noeing that someone is looking at them and literally give them the lisence to let them egos bloom?? i seriously dun see the point in it la.. damn...

2: ur frens EC. frens EC, like wad S says, are THE out of bounds guys, even thou the guy may not be interested in her (i mean.. its sentenced to lifetime imprisonment once eu EVEN see the guy as ur EC can..), eu are NOT supposed to even take one more horny look at the guy. best thing is, when the guy looks at eu, say smthng abt ur fren, jus so he overhears.. i mean. that way, eu're nnot doing anithing wrong to ur fren isnt it?? haha.. wadever.. i mean.. this kinda thing is 2 party la. but hey.. y issit that gers always pretend that their ECs belong to them when their EC dun even noe they exist? its like making urself upset isnt it?

3: ur EC noes eu exist. great. this is a totally different scenerio than pt 2. so.. wad happens here? (ok.. pls forgive mie for im trying to figure this out myself.. and so .. this is kinda an exposition to let mie sort out suffs..)
ok. ur ECs noe eu exist. so wad happens from now? eu tell him? drop hints? ignore him? or worse thing... pretend he doesn noe and tries to pretend that things can always go back the way they were b4. sorry this doesn work cos hey! things are different like HALLO~~~~my gawd la.. so wad happens now.. is that eu shd always listen to ur frens and not try to pretend things are the same. right.. so wad if he starts to notice eu?
haha. OKAY~~ now.. hmmm.... keep ur minds clear babes.. no worry no worry.. things will turn out fine. AS IF. things always DUN turn out right isn't it.. haix.. its like.. things are MEANT to turn out wrong isn't it? ok fine. if suppose ur EC dun do anything, i would assume that everything well.. is ok la.. i mean.. ya eu noe.. ITS OKAY. BUT. if ur EC starts to do some stupid things like walking arnd in front of eu and thinking that eu r so blind that eu wouldn notice his actions, well, eu noe.. hm.. things are not right la.. eu get it?

4: lets assume that eu dunno that he's ur EC yet. okay.. i mean REALLY dunno tt he's ur EC.. until ur frens made sure eu noe he is.. wad happens now? are eu like suppose to like him? or will eu be still convincing urself that yr EC is the original one, the one tt ur frens dun think shd be yr EC at all cos well.. they think they've chosen ur EC. and now.. their chosen EC.. mm... is well.. very coincidentally.. and i REALLY mean its purely coincidence.. that the both of eu share the same name.( hahahahaha.. isn't that hilarious?) and well.. quite a no. of things.. haiya.. die la.. wad am i toking abt? i dun even noe la.. okok. relax..

5. do not let too many people noe ur blog cos they read it and eu carn really write alot of things in it.

i really dun wan to say life sucks but it realli does for mie right now. choose gers.. choose wisely wad eu wan and who's gonna be ur priority.

Saturday, August 12, 2006
haahax... been desiring cake for like a month liaox.. no money to buy.. sobx sobx..

so ytd.. MIRACULOUSLY.. mummy bought a durian cake hm!!!! muaahaaax... yumm yumm~~~

heehex... its like soo nice la.. cannot tahan.. eekekkkkk.. fats fats.. haahax..

DUN CARE. hungry~~ haiya..

now still hungry.. haix.. even though had a heavy breakfast.. die.. become pig liaox.... SOBXXXX


haahax.. O YA!!!
forget to tok abt magicians of love (ai qin mo fa shi).. WAH LAO!!
its soooooo good la.. its touching.. sweet.. romantic.. funny.. ITS EVERYTHING!!!!!
my gawd.. its like the best drama i've watched in like 2 yrs... (haha.. other than prince turned into frog... oops... oso by 183club).. haiyo.. i noe eu all surely think that i like his drama cos of 183club rite.. haahax ... NO!(ok la.. they're cute like mad la..) but.. the whole story is just freaking good lor.. and the decision to cast 183club was just a great plus point cos 183club hab everything la.. they look sooo posh.. haahax...
hey!! if i actually got famous from project superstar.. do eu think i cann actully meet ming dao?? haahax.. haiya.... heeehex...
tt's a nice dream worx!!... geexx.. maybe i shd start thinking bout this rather than all the sad things.. haix.. like the 3 idiotic fellas that are disturbing and RUINING my life... go to hell la..

i noe i sound SUUPER feminist but HEY! i am..(bleahx~~~~~)
haahax... gonna watch magicians of love again.. haahax... its just soo good i carn get enuf of it..

love euuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

can eu believe it? CAN EU BELIEVE IT? CAN EU BELIEVE IT?????

ok.. i've just went thru the WORSE day of my entire life.. and im seriously not joking.

Lemme ask eu smthng. frenship/relationship?

haha.. i dunno lehx.. haiyo..

i've been thru this in sec 3...
i lost a fren and a whole load of frens became distant from mie..
i dun wan to go thru it again. pls..

Friday, August 11, 2006
i duno wad to do.

im serious.

TODAY IS THE WORSE DAY OF MY LIFE.. and im neither joking nor exagerating. im realli serious. i have neber felt more upset than today la.. its like, everything is pouring down to mie.. its like there's nth for mie to live for animore.. im seriously screwed.

let mie summarise:
1. in the morning: back injury came back, carn run 2.4km run properly. got a C. Snapping starts. He smiled at mie. Snapping continues.HE called mie and giggle. (he giggles!!!!!)
2. in the afternoon: him. he thinks im blind by walking here and there in front of mie. Minutes lost. Errors in sch's computer. ETC.
3. in the evening: took PDP photo. the jersey were printed wrongly, the jersey suck. training sucks today. feeling back pains. Provoking starts. on the train back, provoking continues. train breaks down. got home, finally ate my apples and ice-creamS. thankew very much.

loads of things not added in.. haiya.. jus.. SUCK LA.

i mean.. its not even my fault but its like its my fault.. eu get it??? haix.. it jus sucks la..

haiya.. recently i realli dunno wad is going on in my life .. its like.. like wad dick says"really suck laaaa" ..

haiya.. i realli dunno wad to say lorx.. its like.. i DUNNO WAD IS GOING ON... i carn tell ppl and ask for their opinion cos it'll spread.. i carn go ahead and ask the 3 stoopid fellas cos well.. im jux to coward.. haiya.. dunno la..

im afraid of hurting her.. i dun wan to.. she likes him as in REALLI like him.. so can i be the one to help them be together?? can i?? i wan her to be happy..

saw him smiling at mie like 2 times... haix.. the thing is.. i dunno la... its like .. i dunno how to organise my life animore.. its jus wayyyy tooo complicated for mie to comprehend..

i dunno wad to do. will eu help mie? will eu tell mie the truth?

Wednesday, August 09, 2006
maybe. JUST maybe. maybe i suck. but lemme tell eu smthng eu dumbass. eu ain't gonna put mie down by doing nonsensical stuffs IN FRONT OF MY FRENS JUST TO EMBARASS MIE.
cos im kryshelle the barbii queen. im named a queen cos i am one so dun even remotely try to put mie down i dun care intentionally or wad.
stop acting like eu dun see mie cos im pretty sure eu can see my big head. stop PURPOSELY trying to create commotions. stop doing things like using ur fren's frenster to assess my frenster.
lemme tell eu this if it so happens that eu're reading this now.
i dunno y but i jus cannot stand eu.. cos eu noe.. eu kinda suck. in a way no one can. damn. sooo wan to erase eu out of my bloody darn mind.
o howells...
haahax... ytd was so funny la.. eu noe like during the presentation of the awards, SOMEBODY (okay.. im gonna thnk of sm new names for him so that he's profile is not revealed. all privacy is protected here. ok.. so i think i'll call him.. spectacle.. wahlao.. damn long la cannot make it., hmm.. maybe.. O I NOE!!! donald duck! DD for short!! haahax.. smart la mie.. muaaahaaaaaaaaaax.. ) anyways.. DD was kinda like waiting for the results like the other contestants,. so he kinda like HOOVERED arnd the hall corridor.. so wad happens is tt they announced he's name.. and i dunno whether its act act or wad but jus so it seems like he DID NOT hear he's name la.. haahax.. so xinhui called him..
XH: ehh DD.. ur turn leh..
DD: o mie? realli? *looks bewilded or overwhelmed or smthng along tt line*
XH: ya. the consolation.. ( trying to control her laughter p.s. soo EVIL LA..)
xh turns back to mie and starts giggling with mie non stop. haahax.. sorri but i jus cannot take it. must share.. and trust mie this is the refined version=]
ooooo.... do eu noe wad i saw at DD's blog? he kinda mentioned smthng bout he expected not to win the idol thingy (wah.. how glam lor.. say eu expected not to win. might as well dun join la.. TOK COCK. )
and how he suck at national day songs...( come on lor.. ur voice is those deep deep wans.. freaking patriotic la.. learn how to use them to ur adv. not BLAME them. )
haaix..... i noe im mean to DD... but just cannot take it la... i jus dun like him.. wad to do?? no idea.. haahax.. jus dun wan to even see him and all actions done by him.. to mie? is jus pure horror.
P.S.. im confused recently bout spongebob.. can XH and apriani STOP insisting???? haix.. make mie confused oni.
P.S (sorri one morre) oops Aprie.. paiseh forget to thank eu in front of the whole population FOR INSULTING MY VOICE (like i promised like mths ago?? rem?? haahax)

Tuesday, August 08, 2006
haahax.. thnx to all.. geex.. today was fun, i mean, hey! I'M THE NATIONAL DAY IDOL!! *HAPPY!!
heehex.. i'm telling eu, eu CANNOT imagine my nervousness b4 my turn came la.. haahax.. i mean.. its like NERVE WRECKING CAN/???!!!
its like b4 my turn rite, i was like... self-delusional la.. haahax.. keep on telling myself how"i'm a diva" .. my gawd la.. can eu believe how thick skin i am?? my gawd.. haahax..
here comes the worse part:
DURING THE PERFORMANCE. i was like soooooooooooooo cold and stone up there la.. haahax.. den cos the whole centre stage is like soooo bloody damn messy ( apparently due to the may mics we're using, the mic is full of wires AND mics.) .. so im like suuper worried can... haaix....
aniwaes.. its like.. im soooooo nervous.. but my gawd!! apparently it came out better than i expected it to be la.. although its still not veri good, apparently my pitching problem wasn so bad today~~ heehex... * blushes*
haahax.... and the crowd. OMYGAWD I LOVE THE CROWD CAN!! ITS LIKE THEY'RE SOOOOOOO COOL CAN.. its like the whole hall is like cheering for mie.. soooo happy.... =] i mean.. b4 i went up, i was like kinda worried cos alvin and poh kiat did a great job with the guitarist( oops! sorri i dunno ur name.. paiseh~~ ) but THANKEW TJC FOR CHEERING FOR MIE!! haahax..
and eu noe its like soo touching cos the judges were like saying realli nice stuffs to mie, which is like kinda different to wad the other contestants had to go thru.. (haahax.. ok.. so maybe one judge commented bout my hair.. smthng bout electricity in my hair.. urgh~~~~ ) and its like .. hmm.. F. Tong kinda said smthng bout mie being like Rahimah.. WITHOUT THE ATTITUDE. well.. i dunn really mid the attitude.. except that HEY! i dun like Rahimah!!!~~~~ like DUH~~~~ hope eu're not refering to my hair kkaex... geex.. haahax.. anihows.. THANKEW JUDGES~~~~ =]
and nothing beats having ur frens and ppl whom eu dun realli noe telling eu that eu did a good job. THANKS GUYS!! haahax.. tt's realli the most touching part of it all.... love euuuuuuuu
and o.. its always nice to noe tt ppl recignise eu la.. haahax.. even thou eu dunno them.. haahax.. its realli nice to feel stardom.. haahax..
well... again..

Monday, August 07, 2006
life suck.
im serious.
im not joking.
i wasn there for my bfren for her b'day.
i suck.
i carn get a dress for myself cos apparently all singapreans are small-chested so the manufacturers decided that" hey! lets make all our dresses oni suitable for b-cup gers!"
y dun eu wipe out papaya milk instead? eu goondus..

Sunday, August 06, 2006
can eu stop being a bitch?
singaporeans are eu hearing mie? can eu stop being a bitch??
im not saying that eu shd be nice and all but can eu stop being a bitch??

why do eu hab to act all stupid and all? cos eu noe wad? i was on my dad's cab ytd, and i saw smthng on the back or the front seat.
and eu see there a picture of the phones and wallets on the backseat.
WTF. do eu seriously think that ppl will leave their stuffs behind?? NOOOO!!!!! they don leave it intentionally behind, its all like eu noe.. FORGET. damn! can stop being stupid and all? its starting to irritate mie. leave ur belongings behind. eu might as well have said "PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE YOUR BRAIN BEHIND." now THAT might remind singaporeans a little bit. my gawd la...

and y is my paris hilton pic ALWAYS not loaded? i SWEAR when it's in preview mode i can see my paris hilton BUT when i load it thru its http, its always a bloody blank space. damn blogger. always creating nonsense for mie. go die la.

im pissed and i dunno y. i might die in this angst. i might die in irritation. i dunno but i think i might just die.

Saturday, August 05, 2006
im serious. my life seriously suck. although xinhui insisted that hers suck more( apparently its cos her com crash), i insist that mine suck more. eu noe y? cos im confused. being confused sucks more than material stuffs. im confused bout sch.. frens.. feelings... and most importantly, myself. im just sick and tired of the life im having rite now. pls stop. just stop. i carn stand this anymore. the thing is, what can i do after i stop? i carn really work cos i only have a o level cert. i carn marry cos i dun hab a bf even. i carn stay at hm all day cos i carn depend on my parent. so what can i do? realli dunno. my life suck. and most importantly, i suck.

omy gawd.. it always amazes mie as to why a good talk with ur fren to console her will give eu sense of belonging.. hmm..

aniwaes.. wapiang.. these few days im feeling sooper upset. i mean, i seriously think im going into depression. not joking. and the thing is that, i realli carn help it. do eu noe that although my family is always portraited to be one happy family, but i always feel sort of out of place to my family.. its like they wish i've neber been born.. i mean.. maybe not in such a bad way but kinda like if they neber gave birth to mie.. they'll neber hab to worry abt mie cos i kinda neber give them nth but trouble.. haix.. so sad...

than there's frenship trouble..

than there's my performance prob.. cos my voice CARN open these few days.. ytd during my rehearsal, my voice din open till the third run.. die.
im seriously worried..

Friday, August 04, 2006
WALAO.. can eu guys stop relating mie to spongebob squarepants?? haiyo.. i hate this guy la! urgh... dun put mie and him into one sentence can???

haiyo.. dunno la.. aprie and xin hui are like saying that i like this guy unknowingly but HEY!!! i dislike him and he dislikes mie so stop thinking too faRRRR!!( this guy is not ***** for ur information=]) haiya..
i jus dun like this guy lor.. den yuan yuan is like saying that this is all part or the prejudice that i feel for this BLOODY GUY.


fuck eu singaporeans!! wad the freaking fuck are eu doing???

ytd's singapore idol result show was THE WORSE EVER! eu fucking singaporeans!! why was jay voted out and not jasmine tye?? why was matilda, jonathan, hady, and jay, the 4 best singers in the whole bloody competition in the bottom 4?? what are bloody fuck is wrong with eu singaporeans????????????????

if eu think the stupid wanna wannna song can be ur idol, denn eu can chuck the freaking disc into the shithole ass of urs!!!

DAMn JASMINE! get her out of my sight!

Thursday, August 03, 2006
wad is love?
haix.. it is the one thing in life that seriously suck. no joke.
i mean.. it suddenly struck mie today that i've grown---old! i dun wanna be old!!!!! o pls..

and, it hit mie that all that i've experienced till now is all the i-like-eu eu-like-mie those kinda stupid puppy love(okay.. so maybe it was sweeeeeeeet....) but hey! i haben experienced true love~~ which is kinda upsetting considering the fact that i do wanna marry young.. hmm..

pls answer mie.. which is more upsetting?
1. habing a crush on a guy that neber noes that eu exist( okay.. or maybe he jux noe eu as the ger who had a crush on mie);
2.liking a guy who noes eu like him yet doesn do anithing(tt probably means he's not interested)
3.habing a guy whom eu dun like to like eu(which is like EEEEKKK)
4.disliking a guy whom eu like(??)


hhax... i mean.. all of it is upsetting isnt it?? omygawd.. think im habing menopause or smthng.. urgh.. CARN believe that im thinking of this issue!! geexXXXX haaahax...


Wednesday, August 02, 2006
OK. being a women SUCK.
try.jus tryyyy habing to endure bleeding EVERY MONTH. ok. win OREADI. urgh~~~~~~~
and eu wad?? i dun give a damn whether its raining cats and dogs or dinosaurs or wadever animal eu can think of, but its POURING down here.
okokokokokokok. SHIT! i mean, being a women has its pros and cons and im telling eu, there are loads of pros being a women and there's only like one con. and that is the con make all the pros disappear in a blink.

hahax.. carn rem wad i wanted to blog abt lehx.. urgh damn.. aniwaess.. jux finish watching singapore idol and WOW~~ they all suck! haha.. especially rahimah and jasmine. they suck to the max la... wahlao... rahimah.. hmm.. i jus dun like her la.. guess its like personal cos i dun like her hair and her 'i-dun-look-nor-sound-cute-but-i-wan-to-act-cute' manner. haha.
BUT. Jasmine Tye is a WHOLE NEW STORY. i mean SERIOUSLY! SINGAPORE, do eu seriously wan a freaking TONE-DEAF britney-wanna-be to even come back next week??? i DUN THINK SO! get that freak-self-imposed-cutie pie out of my sight CAN???????

Sunday, July 30, 2006
damn. fullstop.i realli dun see wad the fuck is with singaporeans. i really don't. first and foremost, why do they emphasise so much on the fucking blogging culture in singapore?? i don't get it. i realli don't.today, right in the EARLY morning, i saw something that made me super damn freaking worked up. right in the front page, there's this small portion of the top part of the straits times( where they always kinda promote their articles in the life section?? ) aniwaes... i don't realli remember it but i think it goes something like singpore bloggers.. narcisstic.
crap. like the british always say, "this is bullocks!" im like.. wad the fuck!!! ok.. so blogging is the new way of being narcisstic huh. and apparently, those who are reading my bog now are 'nothing more than a bunch of pathetic singaporeans who can't find nothing else better to do and so you guys decided to PEEK into yours truly, barbii queen's royal life. im like *rolling* my eyes again and again and again. RIGHT. so now im an 'pathetic attention seeker who can't find nothing else to do than to spend my life blogging away.' READ MY LIPS,"NOTHING ELSE BETTER TO DO THAN TO SPEND MY LIFE BLOGGING.'RIGHT. and apparently, because i aspire to be like xiaxue, now im nothing more than just among THE bunch of school kids who canr't find other ways to get famous than to do a fucking good blog.
AND, yes and, apparently, ANY blogs with nice templates ARENT supposed to be good! okay, well, you learn something new everyday. and you know what? this thing that i just learnt today is just total bullshit that you adults can stuff out your fucking stuck-up freaking ass! what the hell. im telling you. DON'T MESS WITH THE KIDS. you think blogging is so easy? you think being one of the millions who blog is easy? NO! do you ADULTS know that blogging is just like singing? there are millions out there who can sing just like the millions out there who can ACTUALLY write like all the literate people in this world who goes to school!! so now there's a rule against singing isn't it?? so you're saying that people who actually sings and gets overheard are all narcisstic?? that's a whole poo of shit that i think your freaking doggy sitting at your lap right now poo poo out. okay, fine. so there's girls out there having explicit content in their blog. ok. so? that's their blog and if you don't like it so much, just chuck your com aside and leave their blog alone??!! don't give a damn to them if it's realli such a pain in your fucking ass!

and do you know, apparently young bloggers are catergorised as angst ridden youths? O GOD!!!! what is happening to the world now?? we can verbally complain to people BUT we can't write it out?? OKAY! FINE! you mutherfuckers. just shut your traps can? stop naming us! stop trying to understand us!

Saturday, July 29, 2006
ok. first and foremost, i WAN TO BLOG. shit i even open my com like constantly(ok.. that's when i can keep my eyes open*winks*) urghhhhhhhhhhhhh

damn the webmasters or whoever is concern.

now let mie think.. kaes.. its like a week since i've last blogged.. sorri i've been too busy... soo busy i carn even keep up with the news... so sorri.. so.. hmm...

do eu noe its AMAZING(hmm.. shall go check the thesauras for the synonym for amazing.. kinda bored always using this word..) aniwaes.. its amazing that people can claim that the are bloggers when they hardly noe how to even change their freakin template..(yes gers... its HIM. ***** aka darling... haahax) fine im sorri i keep insulting him but.. hey.. HE'S JUX AN EXAMPLE!!!! *rolls my eyes(stop laughing bitch)* jkjk....
aniwaes.. i mean.. if eu were to keep a blog and to let ppl NOE abt ur blog add, the least eu could do is to find a decent blogskin rather than using the listed ones there rite.. urgh~~~ it irritates mie la duh~~~~~ and eu noe wad???? he(ok.. or she) can even CLAIM that he's(or she's) busy blogskin shopping when HE'S SKIN DUN EVEN LOOK DIFFERENT!!!(duhduhduhduhduh~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WHATEVER!!!)
thats like the crappiest thing i've ever heard this yr~~~ haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa *rolls my eyes DEEP*

my dearest apriani was telling mie smthng (which is to mie) that kinda made mie upset...
i mean..
hab eu experienced smthng that goes like....
eu guys become like the greatest fren anione can ever see... and suddenly eu hate the person?? and eu realli carn tell ppl the real reason but the superficial ones cos eu realli dun feel like disclosing too much??( ITS PERSONAL I SWEAR) .... i mean... i tot it was irritation.. but according to aprie, it seems like DISLIKE.(read my lips. D.I.S.L.I.K.E).. i mean.. irritation is one thing.. but to seem like its dislike kinda brings the whole thing to a whole different level... hmmm.... not sure.. i've been thinking abt it.. but urgh.... dunno la... kinda sick of it.. i mean..can she jus like leave mie alone and STOP TRYING SO HARD??? do eu noe that the biggest IRRITATION i feel for her is when she TRIES TOO HARD. no offence but this is the truth(ain't no nothing but the truth.. amen) seriously.. urgh.. stop asking mie the same bloody qtn, stop tapping mie at every syllabus of ur sentence, stop doing things that will make mie hate eu. PLEASE. i dun wan to hate eu.. i wan to be frens again.. but at the rate this is going, i dun see how i can when eu are simply tRYING TOO HARD.. im sorri..

screw the sch la... they're making mie tired.. making ppl sick... (smint and aprie take care alrites... muackx!!)
they are making ppl lose hope(christine and wenyuan.. BUCK UP!!! LOVE YA!!!) im jux tired...
eu noe im thinking whether suicide will make things betta?.. apparently it doesn.. crap! cos when eu die.. things will ger worse.. cos eu hab the face the consequence of taking ur own life when eu r down there.....(habing tea with satan i guess)... DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sunday, July 23, 2006
i have realised that ever since i started to lax on my posts, the peeps viewing my blog has since decreased to a WHOLE NEW LOW!!!!! o my gawd~~~~ how am i gonna be the next voice!!!!

first and foremost. mr.brown
seriously, i realli dunno wad the fark the whole saga is about. damn.. wad the hell are they doing closing down the bak chor mee stall( yaya.. it's the brownie man...) !!! geex...
my gawd la... i mean, PLSSSSSSSSS there eu hab miss izzy and xiaxue the bunch of chao ah lians, who can dedicate a veri long blog entry ABOUT ROTI PRATA, and eu can stop a perfectly good writer who ACTUALLY IS AN HONEST VOICE?????????????? shut up!!!

i seriously dun get wad the whole thing is about. they shut down mr. brown's column because he distorted the truth??? RITE. so true. ha ha ha. and the mainstream media is not??
c'mon la.. its like 2 days since the teacher from some secondary sch ask the students to hit another student and i haben even see it even touching the papers and eu're telling mie mr. brown's distorting the truth. RITE. as the english says: BULLOCKS.

aniwaes, they're now saying that th reason they're taking action against mr. brown is cos he publish that particular article on TODAY, which happens to be a mainstream media. rite. eu noe wad? i seriously suspect that even if that article is on he's blog, he'll get sm shit anihows. he was suspended cos he's article was distorting the truth mind eu... so DOES IT MAKE ANI DIFFERENCE WHETHER ITS ON THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA OR ON HIS BLOG?????? i dun think so~~~~ it's soo stupid la... can they pls stop slapping their own bloody mouth in the future??? damn! i lurve mr brown!!!

2. the bak kut teh a.k.a. pork rib soup saga.
rite. so the person who wanted to have the famous wadever shop carn get his wishes fulfilled cos apparently he wanted to drink the soup at nite and the stall only opens in the day( jux like those bee hoon stalls) and wad happens?? THE WHOLE BLOODY HONG KONG STARTS FIRING WADEVER THEY HAB ON US SINGAPOREANS!!! so im like wad the fark. do eu noe that jux cos sm big shot(ok la.. dun exactly noe wad position he is in english.. its te shou in chi thou) carn get his wishes fulfilled?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DAMN EU!!!!!!!!!!!!
so he's a big shot in HK and he wans ALL THE SGREANS to listen to his commands???SHUT UP AND GET OUT! and do eu noe the media there has been calling singaporeans names and even taking all the unrelated issues like the mr brown issue to tok abt JUS TO CALL US NAMES??!! damn they suck! i mean, i use to like hong kong but ever since this incident, i have decided to SWEAR OFF ALL HONG KONG FOOD AND ITALIAN FOOD. be smarter nex time can?? stop acting smart eu hk people. lemme teach eu smthng:if eu wan to eat smthng, QUEUE.

Saturday, July 22, 2006
haahax.. i CANNOT believe how screwed i am.. c'mon!!!

im now on the risk of being dropped by tj.. urgh~~~ now the qtn is not whether i'll get dropped.. its wad i'll be able to do after im being dropped!! haix.. sorri mrs nordin.. i'll work harder!!

haahax.. carn believe i teared during parent teacher meeting.. shit.. so embarassing!!!!!!!

aiks.. aniwaes...
HOCKEY IS FREAKING FUN!!! haahax... and xinmei said im fast learner..(geex.. thankew!! *blushes*) haahax... life still sucks la.. urgh~~ haahax...

oooya.. i saw cutie pie's mom ytd.. haahax.. i feel sooooo blessed~~~*sighx*

Friday, July 21, 2006
its amazing how i always carn remember wad i wanted to blog right after i log on to the com.. haahax... short term memory i guess..

aniwaes.. spent 2 days resting at home.. haahax.. not veri good rest thou, but at least managed to slp.. muahahaaahax....

urgh~~ so sad gayle's out.. urgh~~~~ WHY ISN'T JASMINE AND EMILEE out??????

urgh~~~~ super duper upset... RARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Thursday, July 20, 2006
haaahax.. so sowie i din update for so long liaox worx.. haahax.. cos smthng wrong with com.. heehex.. glad its okay now..


haiya.. so sianx.. haahax.. finally i forgot to go to sch today la.. haahax.. jkjk..
cos i was sick like .. err.. last thur?? haahax. den so busy till like no time to p.o.n sch mahx.. sooso.. drag till today.. yeah~~

geex... hmm....
abit sianx by cutie pie liaox lehx.. hmm... den pissed with the big bear... haiya...

peeps, i'll be performing on national day most prob.. so support mie!!!!

Friday, July 14, 2006
haha... aniwaes, jux to make an announcement,
i passed my JCT's!!!
so damn freaking happy lar... haahax

aniwaes... mrs nordin was jux telling us the other day during GP that we should be responsible for wad we write or say on our own blogs.. hmmm

i was like...
'haiya.. its jux a blog lorx' in my head..

den she mentioned smthng like people who blog are all attention seekers...
don't agree lorx... wad the fark.

i mean, blog started out as sm sort of 'fashion' la... buden hor, it has now became some sort of habit.. since blogs are open to the public, eu realli shd take responsibility of wad eu write. OKAY. TRUE . SO??

i mean, when eu read a blog, eu are oso taking responsibility, of wad eu read rite?? eu shd noe tt eu are reading other people's opinion.
c'mon la.. if eu're gonna make this such a big issue, it realli wun make sg's future generations go far. first, the govt is saying that the media is opening up.
den, they suspends mr' brown's column.
now they're saying tt blogs and the mainstream media are 2 different things.


smtimes, im jux sick of wad the mainstream media covers la.. its all sooo superficial.
and my parents are like so scared la, cos they noe i blog, so they are ALWAYS REMINDING MIE NOT TO ANIHOW WRITE.muahahaaax......

like i wud care... i jux write out my opinion, and my blog isn't even as read as mr brown's or blinkymummys.. haahax... wadever.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006
France loss.


they suck.

but howells...
i still love ZIDANE!!

and i believe that he's still the greatest footballer in the world!! hahaaa

Sunday, July 09, 2006
haahax... well, this is the moment we've all been waiting for!! heehex....
im loving every moment of it.. muahahax..

but.. hmm... it still touches mie up until now as to how come a ball, that is passed arnd the freakingly big court, thru 22 men ( and of course, 1 idiotic and blind referee), can garner soooo much support and love...
its like.. ppl live for world cup..
maybe this is y those who love football adore it, and those who hate it HATE it...
hmm... thou there are some who love it cos their other half fancies it.. geex... life is soo complicated... haha..

back to local stuff..
hmm... actually, i was kinda disappointed by the no. of blood donors.. haha..
wow... that amt is scary.. haahax....

its a gift to be able to help isnt it??
haahax... PLS HELP!!


Friday, July 07, 2006
heehex.... first and foremost...

heehx.. paiseh la.. jux that dun realli feel like blogging lehx....
hahax.. aniwaes... JCT result is exactly wad i predicted... haha

i swear im gonna mug like mad(eehhhx.. dun laugh lehx.. i realli cannot fail J1 la.. *winks*)
heehex.... my fave phrase of the year

heehex... im pathetic...
donated blood today...
haahax... makes mie feel like im sooo kind*laughs loudly*
kekex.... singaporeans shd donate blood.
Aniwaes... initially, the nurse din wan mie to donate... haahax.. cos my vein is too enbedded inside the hands(woah~~~ im using words like embedded??!! *claps*)
so the nurse had to stand there pulling my skin jux to let the blood flow.....

i miss cutie pie.... haahax....
saw him otw out of sch today... haahax....
he was climbing.. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO hot....
now eu understand y he's mine?? haahax... cos he's hawt la darling~~~=]

btw... i am joining hockey AND NO ONE'S GONNA STOP MIE.


Friday, June 30, 2006
haahax.. suuper happi lar.. finally.. FINALLY. its all over..
i feel like i've let myself this JCT.. cos i realli promised myself that i'll MUG till the veri ULTIMATE lor..
haiya.. aniwaes.. i kinda like slack the way thru... even the day b4, i randomly go and take a few notes to read.. tt's all..
for math it was worse..
i was like," c'mon!! there's always the promos!!" hahax... im such a LOSER~~
aniwaes.. was crying ytd nite.. hahax.. cos i spent like 3 hrs TRYING desperately to get the geog stuff into my head.. which i din make it.. so i cried... so my parents were like asking mie to slp.. EVEN IF I SCORE 0..

im soo lucky they're my parents.. heex..

aniwaes... i still dun understand how come ppl spent soo much time mugging lar..
are eu to tell mie that eu're gonna spend the rest of ur life trying to get the facts into ur head??
(oops!! din mean to hurt anione.. muahahaax..)
aniwaes.... i seriously think that all our lifes do NOT.. i repeat.. DO NOT. depend entirely on our grades...(haahax.. okay la.. maybe a part of it lorx..)
im jux so sick of the damn fricking muggish singaporeans lor..
i mean.." HALLO!! LIFE STILL GOES ON!!!!"
hha... wadeva.. i carn realli give damn bout those peeps..
I AM MIE!!!!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006
hahax.. soooper duper paiseh!!!! heex.. for not blogging..
no la..
cos bo bian.. i now obcessed in the online game.. hahax... den lazy to blog....
worse thing is ??
now, even during the course of my jct, i HABEN started revising..
i am sooooo SCREWED.

jux finished with mathematics...
i like drawing talisment on the paper lorx...LOL..
soooo sad......

o.. and im still OBCESSED with STEVEN GERRARD!! my darling *winks*

Monday, June 19, 2006
fark fark fark.
OOPS!! hahax.. sorri~~~ din actually wann to scold the fricking broody brasil lidat but FARK.
dammit. how come all the referees this time rnd suck ar??
wah lao... the referee like blind lidat. shit. eu mean to say oni when the aussies tries to trip the brasillians then it's considered foul issit??
o.. so when the brasillians do smthng rough to the aussies, its realli jux the aussies fault that they tried to challenge the brasillians??
well, all i can say is that BRASIL, EU SUCK.
Okay, fine, i did place bet on australia(ehh, c'mon la... aussie's odds is $10 lar..) but HALLO!!! i rather lose my money than to see the obvious better team losing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Under this circumstance(which is when the referee is either blind or places bets on brasil winning), they could hab at least drawn~~~
haixxxx... soooper sad lar... haiya... itz like.. australia is like soooo much betta compared to france lar.. haiyo........
urgh~~ soo sad larx...
i dunno what fifa is doing, for it is darn fricking obvious that this batch of referees are the absolute worse bunch that i've ever seen. they jux suck.
they side the traditionally better teams( which reminds mie of the smiling cafu getting the yellow card, and the referee gibing him back a knowing smile), and again, THEY ARE BLIND.
so if brasil gets through to the next rnd, it is not based on their capability. it is cos they hab the referee siding them.

ps. im gonna stop habing vulgarities in my blog. haha... it's gonna be a clean blog!!!=]

Friday, June 16, 2006
hahax... jux watched the match of england vs trinidad and tobago.
woah.... hahax.. england won 2-0.
but no.. they din walk over T&T(heex.. i expected that... and so, i was damn surprised at the odds sg pools gave. fark. T&T's odds are $11 okay)

i was super disappointed at the english. they are WAY BELOW their usual standard(err.. okay.. maybe they were always under their standard but.. hey... they are playing below their capabilities lehx...)
and lampard's lousy luck.. i mean.. he's good.. but bad.. err.. i mean.. urgh~~~ dunno la.. haiya.. jux unlucky la.. i mean, he got 8 shots on goal and non got in LAR.. my darling(which, btw is gerrard) oni got 2 shots on goal and one went in. hmm.
and. owen's constant unhappiness. (shit! WTH was with his somebody-owes-me-money look ALL THE TIME!!) haiya.. i think ar.. owen's unhappiness might hab something to do with his partner crouch la.. wah lao.. crouch sux la... he's WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY too tall liaox.. haiya.. somemore his moves like abit retarded lidat(okay.. his moves were cartoon and funny.. but. they still suck la.).. urgh.. so i was initially surprised at errikson's choice of taking owen down rather than crouch, when rooney came in.. but.. it wasn until the goal crouch put in den i shut my mouth. soooo... errikson wanted crouch in COS OF HIS HEIGHT.(althou i still think that his height is wad actually made him suck.)
well.. to be fair to crouchy, the pass that beckham gave would never be ac actual goal if it was owen standing there(c'mon la.. owen's jux not tall enough) yet.. it is undeniable that crouch shd be netting in A LOT MORE goals cos apparently, crouch tot that the goalpost is up in the sky.
beckham... pls retire can?? eu're old liaox...
so stop hogging the captain position.
i dunno wth is wrong wid him tonite, he like suck lidat..
maybe quarelled with victoria.. haha( or maybe brooklyn once again couldn recognise his own dad.. muahahahaxz)
and although i have neber taken a liking to rooney,
its undeniable that the england team needs him. not as a goal-scorer, but as a player who can actually bring a spark to their playing.
damn i carn believe that i am saying this but
rooney represents hope for the english team.

last but not least, my DARLING!! hahaxz
i lurve him la... and it was a FANTASTIC goal he put in there!!
heehex... i think he flew off the ground.. hahax...

and i HAVE to say this:
"this is by far the most polite match of the tournament."
(okay la... other than gerrard's ball-kicking hitting HARD on yorke's balls, yes, man's balls.)

Tuesday, June 13, 2006
wah lao...

i neber tot that the bloody aussies, who btw are the world's most famous discriminators in the entire bloody world cos they hate chinese, would actually win.

damn i was so upset when they won japan.
which is the opening game for that group.
when the first goal went in, i was like "now the game is starting.."
when the second goal went in, i was like "c'mon nakata, eu can do it!!"
when the third goal went in, i was like " what the fuck."
okay fine...
so japan was not too good but C'MON!!!
the bullshiting aussies were damn fricking rude and vulgar LAR!!

they are already taller than the japanese, and there they are, pushing the poor japs arnd and LEANING( fuck the rodiguez mexican referee who is blind to differentiate leaning and gave crouch the yellow card. ) o...
and eu noe wad?
it jux so happens that the KAYU referee did not see all the leanings and the pushings~~~

and i was particularly pissed when the fricking aussie coach PUSHED the jap officials. DAMN EU!! where are ur manners????
(sportsmanship!! where are eu??)
somemore how come the aussies were not flashed the yellow card when they have at least 8 offsides while they japs got it when it was like oni 4 offsides?

b.r.o.o.d.y. . h.e.l.l.

again, i reinterate
(hey eu aussies.. hear that??!!! )

Sunday, June 11, 2006
heyx peeps.. i am my url to


on 15.06.2006

pls change ur links..

pls help spread..

Watched the sweden match against trinidad and tobago..
i am amazed by the T&T players.. haax...
they T&T players are down from 11 to 10 players 40 sec after the half time break...
woah... haax...
but heyx..
despite the constant bombarding of their goal posts( the swedish guys kept the keeper busy.. haax), they held on and yeah~~ got a 0-0 draw.. not bad...
but i am still gonna lose my money cos i bet on sweden to win the cup. shit.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

jux watched the match of england vs paraguay, the first group B match and eu noe wad??

Fark ass.
shit, i swear i'm gonna expand my vocabulary jux to scold ur broody shit ass.
and i swear that broody mexico referee FORGOT to wear his contacts b4 he left home for the match.
he suck.
and i don jux say this cos eu think i support england( well i do, but i look at this match fairly.)

well, did eu see how the gave gerrard the yellow card when it is CLEARLY SEEN TO BE JUX A SERIOUS FOUL?? well, apparently he realised his mistake and when the paraguayIANs(i dunno wad eu call the peep of that nationality la.. ) made the SIMILAR foul, even more serious ones and o.. by the same guy and MORE THAN 3 TIMES, apparently he decided that he WAS NOT going to award the shitass no. 13 of paraguay.

is he blind???
when lampard was in the penalty box and was PUSHED, the mutherfucker referee did not see LAR, and thus did not award lampard the penalty that he was supposed to hab.

and o..
is there a fucking need for the paraguay people to be so damn farking rude??

isn't the theme for this world cup SAY NO TO RACISM?? well.. can we say no to bad sportsmanship instead??
wah lau... all i can say from this match is that the sickening paraguay team has no sportsmanship lar!( and the 2 sickening and rude and deliberate AND cheater no. 13 and 18 of the paraguay team. SHIT.)

and what the hell is the referee's prob with crouch??? shit. crouch is tall for goodness sake! and he's constantly fouled for leaning?!! WAD THE HELL IS THAT???

and what the hell is the prob with the referee's hair? shit. damn oil la.. reflect the light summore. SHIT!

Nationality: Mexico
Role: Referee
Date of birth: 10 November 1973
Height: 179 (cm)
Weight: 81 (kg)
Referee since: 1 January 1999
First international : Paraguay v Guatemala ( 3 March 1999)
Place of residence: MEXICO, D.F.
Country of residence: Mexico
Mother language: Spanish
Other languages: English
Occupation: Physical education teacher
General interests: Music, cycling, swimming, reading the Bible ( fuck eu don insult the god can??)
Best memory: Birth of my daughters


world cup is officially here babey!!!
heex.. after waiting for 4 broody long yrs, it is FINALLY here.
i remember crying my eyes out 4 yrs ago after england bowed out of the world cup after losing to brazil. SHIT. i HATE brazil.

aniwaes.. geex.. i was darn happi ytd!! heex.. my prediction was rite!!!
haaahax... i said germany would put in more than 3 goals and costa rica will put in 2.. and i was RITE!!!( 4-2 to germany... call mie god pls.. wahaha)

my god.. im am suuper psyhed up for world cup 2006!!
england's tonite.. hmm.. with paraguay....
hope england will win thou... don reallli like paraguay... haahax...

i mean... pls don tell mie eu're not amazed by how football( esp world cup) can join soo mani seemingly strangers together. amazing isnt it??( oops.. not to mention the high increase rate of the betting world, where the demand is much higher than the supply. muaahhhhaaax..)
i mean... eu can cry, eu can feel ur heart ache.. eu feel EVERYTHING, including hatred. (for brazil). it jux seem like it could actually touch people.
it does.

c'mon, don try to say that gers lok at football COS of the guys... (eu man. STOP being soo irritating).. lemme tell eu something.. sometimes, we noe tactics and strategies more than eu guys.

i swear man are fucking chauvinistic creatures. shit. they think they noe everything?
well, THEY DON.

aniwaes.. this time rnd, brazil's not taking the cup. not cos i hate them(ok.. maybe not ENTIRELY cos i hate them), but cos this time rnd, alot of the seemingly no-chance team are coming up *winks*

geex.. which leaves mie to germany, england, holland or sweden... hmmm...
which team shd i bet on for championship??

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Can eu believe i actually got lost on the way to sch??!!!!!!

this is wad happened.
that day is 06.06.2006(666------- number to satan.)
on tuesday, i decided to take bus to sch to meet kailin(despite the veri fast and easy mrt route).
i took bus 30, of which i WILL NOT get lost as it ends up in bedok interchange and i jux hab to walk or take bus to sch.
i hab to act smart and change to bus 12, which is SUPPOSE to end up outside my sch.
den shit happened.
i realise that the bus is actually going in a veri veri familiar way, eu noe.. the way i take when i go hm.
and so, when i reach kallang mrt station, i realise my mistake, which wld be alrite if i take back bus 12 which wld place mie back in tj busstop.
BUT NO~~~~
i hab to act smart again.
i decided to take 197, which is suppose to end up in tj sidegate.
and so wad happens?
i end up in GEYLANG.
so i freaked out.
den i went tanjong katong.
i went places... and when i tot the bus wld go rite into mountbatten road, which wld go into my sch's side gate.


it didn go mountbatten road but some ulu place.

so after much confusion,
i ended up in tj side gate.
here's the kick.
kailin informed mie that the side gate is locked.
i can actually walk to the front gate, IF IT WASN RAINING THAT DAY.
so, mie, without an umbrella, would actually hab to wait for bus 12 AGAIN jux to go to the front gate to avoid the rain.

oo0ooo... here's the best part.
i mean.. how big is singapore?????

i should hab taken bus 12 rite from the beginning..
or rather, take the normal route LAR.
or betta.

tuesday was filled with so much shit i think im habing diarhoerra.

hahax... wow... itz been a long time since i blog!!
wee wee!!! haaahax...


and eu noe wad?
i hab officially considered myself to be dead, no.. not dead as in eu noe... realli dead and eu either go to see god or satan.. BUT. still dead nonetheless.. eu noe y? cos i HABEN START MUGGING!


ever wondered y we study so hard??
hahax.. all the babeys out there?
cos i haf.. and err.. more than once or twice..
in fact, i think i wonder bout that irritating qtn every 5 hrs or so... hahaaaaaax....
so... technically, i'll wonder bout this qtn
once every 5 hrs,
24 hr divide by 5 would be 4 times a day,
multiply that by 7 days per wk would be 28 times per month,
and that would be 336 times per YEAR!!!!

wow!!! so technically, out of 365 days per yr, you would be thinking of the qtn of y eu're studying like 0.92054794520547945205479452054795 times every day!!!!
o my gawd...

do eu realise the seriousness of this issue?????

so... technically.. we're supposed to mug like mad..
pass exams..
pass a's..
den get degree...
get a job..
get married on 666(wah lau.. dun understand how ppl like to get married on this kinda date.. its the number to satan for goodness sake!!)

and then wad happens?


let mie ponder..
gib eu guys an answer soon.. muahaahaaax...
(heex.. so tt my blog could be like xiaxue's wan.. get 10,000 hits per day=])

Tuesday, June 06, 2006
tried to put up a podcast today,eu noe.. my composition??
den i spent HOURS.
din managed to put up!
in the end wad happen?
i dunno.. somehow i found smthng and in the end manage to put it up.
ha ha ha

but i jux suck lar!!
i specifically PROMISED myself to mug and now?

so wad happens when i actually start?
o.. i come to blog.

so now, i officially proclaim that:
i am soooo screwed(pls.. the nail screw)

o god save mie....
how how how how how???

y do gers like guys???
this is a good qtn to ponder isnt it??

and therefore, i've made a resolution.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Funny Videos at Virob

and if it does load(surprise surprise)
pls download it from this link..


Funny Videos at Virob

err.. pls listen it to the end.. i noe it suck..
but my first composition....


do eu noe y men suck?
cos they jux suck.
i hate them.
ok, fine, maybe i dun realli hate them THAT much, but can somebody pls tell mie y do they enjoy fooling arnd with ger's feelings??????

they may be cute and all, but lemme tell eu somethng.
they are the BIGGEST jerk of humanity's history.
they ALWAYS tries to make gers jealous(sounds familiar? haha. ask the man.)
they ALWAYS try to make eu angry.
they ALWAYS try to be the greatest jerk!!!

ok.. fine.. eu do see some okay(aka so-so) guys arnd, but HALLOW!! that's like one in like 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 guys... now thats a truth.

and o.. did i mention that they are the biggest pig no matter how freaking skinny they are?

i cannot breathe cos im feeling too much anger!!!! hhax..

screw eu man(no.. not the bedding screw, but eu now.. the nail screw??)

oops.. initially wanted this to be a short wan.. but ermmm... ok la... can la i think=]

somebody sent mie this.. its so touching and sad...
i love it...
do eu???

if eu wan to read the story... heres the link:

its jux suupper nice la...
its abt this gal and this guy in national junior college...
wah lau...
how kewl is tt??!!
ehhx.. hahax.. read it!!!!
love ya!!=]

yeah!!! jux went to EMERGE 2006 !! heehex..
it WAS fun~~~~~~~~~
emerge is a 4-day convention held by city harvest church...
it was HIGH~~~ neber tot service can be this fun!!

taufik, junyang and kelly went on friday...
sooooo sad i was NOT there LA..
suuuuper sad...

aniwaes... when i went todAy, sun yao shan and milk(nu nei) came...
k la k la...
i was suuper sad la..
cos when i jux arrived at EXPO, i was told(ok.... rather.. it was rumoured) that JJ lin is coming la...
imagine my disappointment*think*
hahax.. k la.. aniwaes... it was fun...
now.. im thinking whether i shd go fer the service nxt wk....

Sunday, June 04, 2006
heyx peeps..
love life.
be inspired.
be who you are.

can eu believe i actually FORGOT to gib my comments bout this mv??
wah lau...
i love this mv la.....
its like DIFFERENT, from all those "shake it here shake it there i come to ru and eu come to mie" bollywood stuffs..
omg.. eu guys muz watch till the end la...
cos its like the last part that realli REALLI roxks.. hahax..
i mean...
which normal ppl communicate on the subway board???
but .. iut neber hurts cos i believe its a GREAT story!!
can i do tt too???
ok la...
but muz do it with powter...
(oops.. sowie my dear chicken pie!!*winks to apriee and yuan yuan*

its like such a long time since i blog liaox..
i mean.. like realli blog.. eu noe.. like the things eu actually say?? o noe.. i mean the things tt eu actually tell ppl that eu did.. or rather.. jux writing dn things.. hahax.........
ok fine.. im gonna stop here cos if i start.. i WILL NOT STOP.

kaex.. feeling darn confused recently la.. WAIT. im not supposed to feel confused??!! BIARCHES JUX DON!! ok.. err.. fine.. well.. to be fair.. THE inspiration of my life, Ms Lohan.. quite often feel this way(in fact, im realli quite sure that she's ALWAYS feeling confused, and o.. picking up quite a handful of HOT HOT guys.. hahax.. think bruce willis*shrugs and faints*
kekex.. aniwaes.. its like... o.. neber mind..

o.. i watched vanity fair ytd!! OMAN... IT WAS FANTATIC LAR!! hahax.. i was so engrossed in it.. that my conviction to pride and prejudice started to sway.. o no.. hehex.. it was greeattt.. heehex.. not to mention that veri veri hot mr rondon.. heehex..
and i watched house of wax. and peeps.. DON WATCH IT IF EU HABEN WATCH IT. cos its jux plain disgusting CAN?? WAH LAU.. they actually show blood and cuts and fingers like its ketchup, paint and nuggets la!!!.. can eu believe that the guy can snip the ger's fingers off and she was like bandaging it with her other hand?? BUT. if eu realli like thriller or horror films? this is FOR eu man.. haha..

hmm.. gonna go citi harvest's afternoon service tml.. with willie and the BB boys.. haix.. i din wan to go... but he kept on persuading and okay, after he said the magic phrase" but i realli want eu to go.." hahax.. i MELT.
heex.. this is wad happens when eu're toking to the guy eu'll neber forget.. kekex..
so ya.. anione wans to go wid mie tomolo??
heex.. dun think so.. heex.. C"MON LA.. its at EXPO okay.. haix....

haiya.. somemore mizz cutiepie LA.. found out tt he's in kalimantan climbing some ULUU mountain la.. hahax.. so sad la.. wad if he falls and come back as some smashed chicken pie??? o man.. WASTED LA.. muahaahax...


Saturday, June 03, 2006
10 years ago I was : jux learning how to speak english.
5 years ago I was : freakingly into michael owen(my gawd.. carn believe i used to hab an email named after him*faints*)
1 year ago I was :jux learning how to be a darn biarch.. haha.. o.. and i found the inspiration of my life.. LINDSAY LOHAN!!!
5 snacks i enjoy: 1) marie biscuits.. 2) ice cream!! 3) twisties~~ 4) potato chips 5) dark dark chocolates.
5 songs i know all the words to: 1) LIFE GOES ON(o yeah.. think tt's the only song i'm good at.. muahahahax.. ps. eu can contact mie for recording.. kekex... 2) you're beautiful(o man... tt's the sweetest song..) 3) KISS GOODBYE!!(i swear i'll marry any guy who sings mie tt=]) 4) perfect 5) Crazy in love(hahax.. this song inspired my mr-darcy-elixabeth song..)
5 things i would do with 100 million dollars : 1) liposuction haha 2) put out my own album 3) go arnd the world 4) buy a LAMBORGHINI~~~ 5) buy a house and decorate it like a PALACE*woots*
5 places i would run away to: 1) England(to find my Lampard and Gerrard... 2) paris (for bible studies.. kekex..) 3) Africa(to see the ppl there) 4) Taiwan(heex.. to find xiao zhu and xiao zong) 5) o i noe.. eutopia.. hahax
5 things i would never wear: 1) genuine leather (animals are being killed for it!) 2) materials with leopold spots or wadeva 3) underwear outside my pants..*winks* 4) higher than waist pants(eeik.. disgusting la..) 5) gee.. socks on my head??
5 bad habits: 1) biarching 2) gossiping 3) criticising 4) laughing at something funny BUT embarassing 5) spending too much
5 biggest joys: 1) SINGING 2) watching taiwan shows.. 3) to be able to help others 4) going out with frens and laughing our heads off 5) LOOKNG AT CUTIE PIE..
5 favourite toys: 1) err.. 2) hmm.. 3) ehh.. 4) aiks 5) don own toys lehx..
5 fictional characters i would date: 1) bobby from x-men!!!(damn hot la him..) 2) MR DARCY~~(FREAKING GENTLEMEN CAN??????) 3) rondon from Vanity fair(MARRY MIE???) 4) zhi shu in (er zuo ju zhi wen) 5) xiao zhu in any show.. hahax..
5 people i shall tag to do this: 1) caryn 2) idayu 3) kailin 4) huiwen 5) amelia

Thursday, June 01, 2006
hey boy eu. yar eu. *****(tt's his name, and no, alvin its not eu.)
lemme tell eu something.
if eu wan to wage war against mie?
i only hab one thing to tell eu, and o ya.. i noe eu've been reading my blog.
eu can go ahead and wage war against mie. but do it in the open.

Do NOT, i repeat DO NOT do it in the dark and think that nobody noes.

cos boi eu noe what?
don be scared no don be..
jux be clear tt EU are the one waging war against mie.. diaoing mie in the dark, thinking tt i don noticed? haha boi eu are so0o wrong cos i noe.
and eu noe wad?
im not scared of eu.
but eu betta be, eu betta be if eu wan to start this war against mie.
cos i WILL strike back.
and now all i can say is

Be prepared, and brace urself for what will be happening to ur life in this 1 plus year remaining in TJ.


Wednesday, May 31, 2006
o0pS!! hahax.. sowie i haben been updating my blog.. hahax.. jux din hab the mood to.. geex..
aniwaes.. woah.. loads of stuffs hab been happening these few days.. hahax..
on monday, despite my constant refusal, my dearest PW leader, Alvin the sooper funni guy DRAGGED mie to SP.. fer the survey.. hahax.. it was fun thou.. hmm.. the peeps there were generally, GENERALLY(meaning not all=]) quite nice and helpful..
o... the first few ppl i approached were the air force guys.. WAH LAO.. one sto0opid guy rite, REFUSED to help mie la.. i was like what the fark. i'm serious!! hahax.. i mean.. he gave the paper to his fren sitting nxt to him and gave mie this i-think-this-survey-is-stupid look..
hey fren, if u're reading this entry now and it so happens that eu noe him, pls inform him that "hey ass! i DON NEED UR HELP , eu bugger."
hahax.. kaes.. that's kinda mean.. but hey man.. eu SUCK.

heex.. okii.. met some frens over there.. hahax.. hey! jurong is after all my territory~~
and oh~~ hahax.. we fiished ALL 100 surveys!! yeah~~ heex.. so0ooper happi.. hahax..
o.. heex.. i forgot wat happened BEFORE we went to SP.. hahax.. so0oper funni....
mie and my dearest Apriee performed at BK.. hahax.. we further our creativity in our Mr Darcy-Elizabeth rap, and got a whole load of applause..(hahax.. okay.. so maybe it was oni applause from yuan yuan and sylvia).. GEEX.. but its fun thou.. hahax.. maybe i shd start thinking out being the nxt missy elliot rather than kelly clarkson.. hahax..

haiya.. o.. i fell after i went home LA!! in the broody toilet.. and hit my head against the edge of the entry of the toilet.. SHIT! hurts like mad i swear. and i got this HUMONGOUS(did i spell correctly?) baluku on my left brain there.. DAMN! my already not so developed left brain is gonna get squashed!! EWWW~~~ haix.. now still hurts la.. and its like alreadi wednesday liaox.. so sad.. and eu noe what?? when i slp rite, i hab to slp to ny rite brain there.. cos it will hurt(apprently).. so0o0oper duuuper sad la.. haix..

den eu noe what happened todday??
freaking unlucky la.. hahax.. first, i slept at 2.30 in the morning cos ytd my brain pain forces mie to slp constantly.. then, i overslept, which technically, is still early if i stayed near tj as i woke up at 7.30 and my lesson dun start tilll 8. okay, fine, i stay far, fair enuf. DEN, i decided that i will go for the 2nd slot of lesson instead cos i tot that we had geog in the morning at 8 and math at 10.30.. and so, i went to sch. great. then something happened. when i went sch, which is arnd 10.04, i cudn find my classmates cos apparently, math lect is 8 in the morning and we don hab anithng after that. conclusion? there's nth for mie to attend=wasted trip to bedok from the friendly jurong neighbourhood. HA HA HA. eu noe what? its no wonder my brother calls mie toot-shelle. broody hell..
oops.. seems a lil tad long.. hahax..

Sunday, May 28, 2006
hahax.. yeah~~~ went expo today fer the FOOD FEST today!!! hahax.. ate loads of stuffs.. hahax damn sinful la.. wth.. hahax..
hmm.. took loads of pics.. but.. wth.. veri tired and lazy to post it now lehx.. kekex.. tink i not gonna blog now.. fer now.. jux go rest.. muahahahax...

Saturday, May 27, 2006
hahax.. okae.. smthng wierd happened todae.. hahax..
first. woke up early in the morning feeling sooper sad.. den ate loads of choc(wah lau i swear its darn sinful.. hahax.. WILL NOT elaborate on tt... kekex..)..
anyhows.. i went to jp wid lil bro in the afternoon.. and i swear i did the most sinful thng..
i spent like $$$$$$$$$$$$$$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! arghHHHHHHHH
first.. i bought the myuk pencil case cos i desperately nid a bigger pencil case.. and it cost mie 10 bucks. den, i went for hair extensions.. of which the $$ is sinful, so i shall not elaborate on tt..
aft tt, i went to buy this mahjong game(which was fantastic by da way..=] ) which again cost mie 10 bucks.. okae.. here comes.. i bought the da vinci code game.. which cost like 60 bucks!!!! ALAMAK!!!! where am i gonna find money to buy all the clothes tt i've eyed??!!! ESP THE ADDIDAS BLACK JACKET WID GOLD STRIPS!!!!(hahax.. willie, take note ar.. hahax..)
omy gawd.. sooper sad la.. haiyo...

they don realli give eu cheaper stuffs, they merely PRETEND to have sale by pasting the GSS sticker on their glass panels la.. to give eu an IMPRESSION tt they are actually habng a sale..
i mean.. WTF is tt???????????

okae.. then..
on the way back hm.. my bro kinda went hysterica.. hmmm...
donno y leix.. but he suddenly kinda call mie tuu-tuu biarch/bimbo.. hmmm....
okae.. it goes smthng like this:

bro: frm today onwards, i am going to call u the tuu-tuu bimbo.
mie:y?? and WAH LAO.. i created the word tuu-tuu.. its copyrighted OKAE... eu wan use it muz pay mie lorx.. wth..
bro:i..(starts laughing)
mie: y eu laughing?? eu bugger..
bro: i..(laughs even harder..)
mie: eu basket.. stop laughing lehx.. on the bus la...
i dun realli rem wad happens later.. hahax.. but it kinda goes smwhere along tt line.. hahax..

hmm... haiya.. aniwaes...
ytd.. was at jp wid willie and desmond kor kor..
initially, when des told mie tt willie is wid him..
i did smthng terrible.. i asked him to tell wilie to go off..
ok.. i noe im mean.
what can i do?
im a freaking biarch*winks*

but ya... aniwaes.. had no choice but to go kfc with the both of them...
den des PURPOSELY offered to help willie buy.. den winks to mie(what the hell ish tt???)
den willie .. hmm.. don wan to noe what he thinks thou.. hahax..
aniways.. he was like saying tt i changed a lot.. hahax.. became more cheerful and happi...(okae.. so he kinda mentiuoned tt i became more childish.. hmm.... *wonders*) aniwaes.. here's to u willie.. hab eu ever tot tt maybe its cos of eu tt i wasn happi b4?? hahax.. ok.. fine.. wadeva..

aniwaes... we met a WHOLE LOT of wwdians on the way back.. hahax.. the both of them sent mie hm... and i went hm... jux when i was getting off the bus, willie gave mie the most AMAZING smile.. the kinda smile tt i oni see 1 yr back... haix.. so sad....

wad can i say.. life sux la wth..