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Sunday, July 30, 2006
damn. fullstop.i realli dun see wad the fuck is with singaporeans. i really don't. first and foremost, why do they emphasise so much on the fucking blogging culture in singapore?? i don't get it. i realli don't.today, right in the EARLY morning, i saw something that made me super damn freaking worked up. right in the front page, there's this small portion of the top part of the straits times( where they always kinda promote their articles in the life section?? ) aniwaes... i don't realli remember it but i think it goes something like singpore bloggers.. narcisstic.
crap. like the british always say, "this is bullocks!" im like.. wad the fuck!!! ok.. so blogging is the new way of being narcisstic huh. and apparently, those who are reading my bog now are 'nothing more than a bunch of pathetic singaporeans who can't find nothing else better to do and so you guys decided to PEEK into yours truly, barbii queen's royal life. im like *rolling* my eyes again and again and again. RIGHT. so now im an 'pathetic attention seeker who can't find nothing else to do than to spend my life blogging away.' READ MY LIPS,"NOTHING ELSE BETTER TO DO THAN TO SPEND MY LIFE BLOGGING.'RIGHT. and apparently, because i aspire to be like xiaxue, now im nothing more than just among THE bunch of school kids who canr't find other ways to get famous than to do a fucking good blog.
AND, yes and, apparently, ANY blogs with nice templates ARENT supposed to be good! okay, well, you learn something new everyday. and you know what? this thing that i just learnt today is just total bullshit that you adults can stuff out your fucking stuck-up freaking ass! what the hell. im telling you. DON'T MESS WITH THE KIDS. you think blogging is so easy? you think being one of the millions who blog is easy? NO! do you ADULTS know that blogging is just like singing? there are millions out there who can sing just like the millions out there who can ACTUALLY write like all the literate people in this world who goes to school!! so now there's a rule against singing isn't it?? so you're saying that people who actually sings and gets overheard are all narcisstic?? that's a whole poo of shit that i think your freaking doggy sitting at your lap right now poo poo out. okay, fine. so there's girls out there having explicit content in their blog. ok. so? that's their blog and if you don't like it so much, just chuck your com aside and leave their blog alone??!! don't give a damn to them if it's realli such a pain in your fucking ass!

and do you know, apparently young bloggers are catergorised as angst ridden youths? O GOD!!!! what is happening to the world now?? we can verbally complain to people BUT we can't write it out?? OKAY! FINE! you mutherfuckers. just shut your traps can? stop naming us! stop trying to understand us!

Saturday, July 29, 2006
ok. first and foremost, i WAN TO BLOG. shit i even open my com like constantly(ok.. that's when i can keep my eyes open*winks*) urghhhhhhhhhhhhh

damn the webmasters or whoever is concern.

now let mie think.. kaes.. its like a week since i've last blogged.. sorri i've been too busy... soo busy i carn even keep up with the news... so sorri.. so.. hmm...

do eu noe its AMAZING(hmm.. shall go check the thesauras for the synonym for amazing.. kinda bored always using this word..) aniwaes.. its amazing that people can claim that the are bloggers when they hardly noe how to even change their freakin template..(yes gers... its HIM. ***** aka darling... haahax) fine im sorri i keep insulting him but.. hey.. HE'S JUX AN EXAMPLE!!!! *rolls my eyes(stop laughing bitch)* jkjk....
aniwaes.. i mean.. if eu were to keep a blog and to let ppl NOE abt ur blog add, the least eu could do is to find a decent blogskin rather than using the listed ones there rite.. urgh~~~ it irritates mie la duh~~~~~ and eu noe wad???? he(ok.. or she) can even CLAIM that he's(or she's) busy blogskin shopping when HE'S SKIN DUN EVEN LOOK DIFFERENT!!!(duhduhduhduhduh~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WHATEVER!!!)
thats like the crappiest thing i've ever heard this yr~~~ haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa *rolls my eyes DEEP*

my dearest apriani was telling mie smthng (which is to mie) that kinda made mie upset...
i mean..
hab eu experienced smthng that goes like....
eu guys become like the greatest fren anione can ever see... and suddenly eu hate the person?? and eu realli carn tell ppl the real reason but the superficial ones cos eu realli dun feel like disclosing too much??( ITS PERSONAL I SWEAR) .... i mean... i tot it was irritation.. but according to aprie, it seems like DISLIKE.(read my lips. D.I.S.L.I.K.E).. i mean.. irritation is one thing.. but to seem like its dislike kinda brings the whole thing to a whole different level... hmmm.... not sure.. i've been thinking abt it.. but urgh.... dunno la... kinda sick of it.. i mean..can she jus like leave mie alone and STOP TRYING SO HARD??? do eu noe that the biggest IRRITATION i feel for her is when she TRIES TOO HARD. no offence but this is the truth(ain't no nothing but the truth.. amen) seriously.. urgh.. stop asking mie the same bloody qtn, stop tapping mie at every syllabus of ur sentence, stop doing things that will make mie hate eu. PLEASE. i dun wan to hate eu.. i wan to be frens again.. but at the rate this is going, i dun see how i can when eu are simply tRYING TOO HARD.. im sorri..

screw the sch la... they're making mie tired.. making ppl sick... (smint and aprie take care alrites... muackx!!)
they are making ppl lose hope(christine and wenyuan.. BUCK UP!!! LOVE YA!!!) im jux tired...
eu noe im thinking whether suicide will make things betta?.. apparently it doesn.. crap! cos when eu die.. things will ger worse.. cos eu hab the face the consequence of taking ur own life when eu r down there.....(habing tea with satan i guess)... DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sunday, July 23, 2006
i have realised that ever since i started to lax on my posts, the peeps viewing my blog has since decreased to a WHOLE NEW LOW!!!!! o my gawd~~~~ how am i gonna be the next voice!!!!

first and foremost. mr.brown
seriously, i realli dunno wad the fark the whole saga is about. damn.. wad the hell are they doing closing down the bak chor mee stall( yaya.. it's the brownie man...) !!! geex...
my gawd la... i mean, PLSSSSSSSSS there eu hab miss izzy and xiaxue the bunch of chao ah lians, who can dedicate a veri long blog entry ABOUT ROTI PRATA, and eu can stop a perfectly good writer who ACTUALLY IS AN HONEST VOICE?????????????? shut up!!!

i seriously dun get wad the whole thing is about. they shut down mr. brown's column because he distorted the truth??? RITE. so true. ha ha ha. and the mainstream media is not??
c'mon la.. its like 2 days since the teacher from some secondary sch ask the students to hit another student and i haben even see it even touching the papers and eu're telling mie mr. brown's distorting the truth. RITE. as the english says: BULLOCKS.

aniwaes, they're now saying that th reason they're taking action against mr. brown is cos he publish that particular article on TODAY, which happens to be a mainstream media. rite. eu noe wad? i seriously suspect that even if that article is on he's blog, he'll get sm shit anihows. he was suspended cos he's article was distorting the truth mind eu... so DOES IT MAKE ANI DIFFERENCE WHETHER ITS ON THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA OR ON HIS BLOG?????? i dun think so~~~~ it's soo stupid la... can they pls stop slapping their own bloody mouth in the future??? damn! i lurve mr brown!!!

2. the bak kut teh a.k.a. pork rib soup saga.
rite. so the person who wanted to have the famous wadever shop carn get his wishes fulfilled cos apparently he wanted to drink the soup at nite and the stall only opens in the day( jux like those bee hoon stalls) and wad happens?? THE WHOLE BLOODY HONG KONG STARTS FIRING WADEVER THEY HAB ON US SINGAPOREANS!!! so im like wad the fark. do eu noe that jux cos sm big shot(ok la.. dun exactly noe wad position he is in english.. its te shou in chi thou) carn get his wishes fulfilled?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DAMN EU!!!!!!!!!!!!
so he's a big shot in HK and he wans ALL THE SGREANS to listen to his commands???SHUT UP AND GET OUT! and do eu noe the media there has been calling singaporeans names and even taking all the unrelated issues like the mr brown issue to tok abt JUS TO CALL US NAMES??!! damn they suck! i mean, i use to like hong kong but ever since this incident, i have decided to SWEAR OFF ALL HONG KONG FOOD AND ITALIAN FOOD. be smarter nex time can?? stop acting smart eu hk people. lemme teach eu smthng:if eu wan to eat smthng, QUEUE.

Saturday, July 22, 2006
haahax.. i CANNOT believe how screwed i am.. c'mon!!!

im now on the risk of being dropped by tj.. urgh~~~ now the qtn is not whether i'll get dropped.. its wad i'll be able to do after im being dropped!! haix.. sorri mrs nordin.. i'll work harder!!

haahax.. carn believe i teared during parent teacher meeting.. shit.. so embarassing!!!!!!!

aiks.. aniwaes...
HOCKEY IS FREAKING FUN!!! haahax... and xinmei said im fast learner..(geex.. thankew!! *blushes*) haahax... life still sucks la.. urgh~~ haahax...

oooya.. i saw cutie pie's mom ytd.. haahax.. i feel sooooo blessed~~~*sighx*

Friday, July 21, 2006
its amazing how i always carn remember wad i wanted to blog right after i log on to the com.. haahax... short term memory i guess..

aniwaes.. spent 2 days resting at home.. haahax.. not veri good rest thou, but at least managed to slp.. muahahaaahax....

urgh~~ so sad gayle's out.. urgh~~~~ WHY ISN'T JASMINE AND EMILEE out??????

urgh~~~~ super duper upset... RARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Thursday, July 20, 2006
haaahax.. so sowie i din update for so long liaox worx.. haahax.. cos smthng wrong with com.. heehex.. glad its okay now..


haiya.. so sianx.. haahax.. finally i forgot to go to sch today la.. haahax.. jkjk..
cos i was sick like .. err.. last thur?? haahax. den so busy till like no time to p.o.n sch mahx.. sooso.. drag till today.. yeah~~

geex... hmm....
abit sianx by cutie pie liaox lehx.. hmm... den pissed with the big bear... haiya...

peeps, i'll be performing on national day most prob.. so support mie!!!!

Friday, July 14, 2006
haha... aniwaes, jux to make an announcement,
i passed my JCT's!!!
so damn freaking happy lar... haahax

aniwaes... mrs nordin was jux telling us the other day during GP that we should be responsible for wad we write or say on our own blogs.. hmmm

i was like...
'haiya.. its jux a blog lorx' in my head..

den she mentioned smthng like people who blog are all attention seekers...
don't agree lorx... wad the fark.

i mean, blog started out as sm sort of 'fashion' la... buden hor, it has now became some sort of habit.. since blogs are open to the public, eu realli shd take responsibility of wad eu write. OKAY. TRUE . SO??

i mean, when eu read a blog, eu are oso taking responsibility, of wad eu read rite?? eu shd noe tt eu are reading other people's opinion.
c'mon la.. if eu're gonna make this such a big issue, it realli wun make sg's future generations go far. first, the govt is saying that the media is opening up.
den, they suspends mr' brown's column.
now they're saying tt blogs and the mainstream media are 2 different things.


smtimes, im jux sick of wad the mainstream media covers la.. its all sooo superficial.
and my parents are like so scared la, cos they noe i blog, so they are ALWAYS REMINDING MIE NOT TO ANIHOW WRITE.muahahaaax......

like i wud care... i jux write out my opinion, and my blog isn't even as read as mr brown's or blinkymummys.. haahax... wadever.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006
France loss.


they suck.

but howells...
i still love ZIDANE!!

and i believe that he's still the greatest footballer in the world!! hahaaa

Sunday, July 09, 2006
haahax... well, this is the moment we've all been waiting for!! heehex....
im loving every moment of it.. muahahax..

but.. hmm... it still touches mie up until now as to how come a ball, that is passed arnd the freakingly big court, thru 22 men ( and of course, 1 idiotic and blind referee), can garner soooo much support and love...
its like.. ppl live for world cup..
maybe this is y those who love football adore it, and those who hate it HATE it...
hmm... thou there are some who love it cos their other half fancies it.. geex... life is soo complicated... haha..

back to local stuff..
hmm... actually, i was kinda disappointed by the no. of blood donors.. haha..
wow... that amt is scary.. haahax....

its a gift to be able to help isnt it??
haahax... PLS HELP!!


Friday, July 07, 2006
heehex.... first and foremost...

heehx.. paiseh la.. jux that dun realli feel like blogging lehx....
hahax.. aniwaes... JCT result is exactly wad i predicted... haha

i swear im gonna mug like mad(eehhhx.. dun laugh lehx.. i realli cannot fail J1 la.. *winks*)
heehex.... my fave phrase of the year

heehex... im pathetic...
donated blood today...
haahax... makes mie feel like im sooo kind*laughs loudly*
kekex.... singaporeans shd donate blood.
Aniwaes... initially, the nurse din wan mie to donate... haahax.. cos my vein is too enbedded inside the hands(woah~~~ im using words like embedded??!! *claps*)
so the nurse had to stand there pulling my skin jux to let the blood flow.....

i miss cutie pie.... haahax....
saw him otw out of sch today... haahax....
he was climbing.. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO hot....
now eu understand y he's mine?? haahax... cos he's hawt la darling~~~=]

btw... i am joining hockey AND NO ONE'S GONNA STOP MIE.
