Sunday, April 30, 2006
heyx to all..THANKEW!!!! fer all ur support towards mie these few days, when im suffering from post menstral syndromes..
i've seriously tot it thru..
and i feel tt i jux wanna be the carefree gurl i used to be when i first came to tj..
muahahahx..(sia la.. kena star awards speech sia..)
im so sianx.. thou im damn touched by all eu guys' concern!! love ya!! muackx!!
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Im sad....realli realli sad.....
i hab neber been so sad before...
been feasting since hc interview ytd..
cannot take it animore..
i hab not expected the hc interview to be so damn demoralising la..
shit la..
den they were saying tt my attire..
my personality too outstanding...
this and tt nonsense...
i realli couldn take it!!!
i even skipped the aj idol...
when my frens were expecting mie to be there... wth la....
Saturday, April 22, 2006
WALAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!im like feeling so stressed up la.......
for wad???? i dunno!!!!!!!
oya... i freaking stoopid thing happen ytd la..
i cried in sch.. fer the 1st time..
fer him LA
cos my dear beverly, she told mie that 123 likes this ger..
den after hearing her repeating and repeating AND repeating..
i finally cannot tahan animore LA... den i suddenly was damn sad.. haix...
den jux so happen i saw the piano...
den i play abit(of which Delin complained tt my playing rust liaox).. den i broke down..
rite b4 track and field, like 4 hrs aft Bev told mie he likes tt ger, she told mie she MIXED UP the 2 guys.. and i was like WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, April 20, 2006
haix.. so sianxXXxx..kena cold... at hm 2 days liaox..
den today like fainting at sch today sia.. haax..
i was like.. stonned.. den somemore sooper light-headed.. haix..
oya.. im running fer hse com..
hope to get in lehx.. hmm..
haiya.. so sad la... studied econs during math tutorial today.. den nth got in.. hmm..
den during econs test(which, unfortunately, i an essay test), i was like writting rubbish la..
oya.. i FAILED math!! haax.. 8/25!! 2nd time in my life i fail math.. heex.. the last time was when i forgot my formula, den the whole thing wrong sia.. haax..hahax.. luckily, ms yee(my math tutor), was freaking unederstanding la.. heex.. she was like..'dun worry.. if you wk hard, you'll do betta".. heex.. but still demoralised all the way la.. heex..
haiya.. today damn sick la!!!
Saturday, April 15, 2006
i CANNOT believe it.. i haben been slping.. as in reaalli.... im like surviving wif less then 5 hrs of slp everyday!!!i'll wake up like 5 in the morning everyday, which is like so sad~~~~~~~~~~
haix... neber go fer mardi gras on thur.. cos went to meet jaselyn aft sch.. hmm.. went breadtalk to collect our pay... those pathetic kinda pay.. haix.. den met guo lun... he's so shit la... purposely come sit next to mie while i was leaning on the staff's lockers while toking to jase.. den its like oni the two of us sitting next to each other.. hmm.... den jase was like asking mie.. ' sweet anot??' my gawd.. when i told guo lun tt he's freaking flirt, guess wad he said? he said''not i flirt.. but everyone who sees mie likes mie''.. wth la.. den that SAM tried to sexually harass mie mentally and physically.. AGAIN.. wth.. he's a freaking ti ko pei!! im oni going back breadtalk on fri.. cos it's he's off day and guo lun's wking till 8.. hehex..
hmm.. den ytd went sing k with smint, calcy, chin ghee and alex.. heex.. freaking fun.. hahax.. spoiling 'shan hu hai'.. kekex.. i seriously think tt jay chou would faint la.. aft listening our 'harmony'..
aft tt.. at 5.. went to wk.. kekex.. guo lun so cute.. kept on asking mie y i come back wk.. hahax.. so hyper ytd... kekex.. den sm new baker went with mie to distribute the fliers while shouting ' bread for you? $1 off every $3 spent!!!' hahax.. so frreaking embarassing.. hhaax.. cos the courts guys oso distributing.. den they laughing at us.. den started shouting like us.. muahahahx...
oya.. did i mention tt there's this cute guy at k box clementi? haax.. swear gonna ask xiao xian bout him..
Name 20 people you can think of right now at the top of your head. Don't read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 20 people. OK tag at least 5 people....Ready? Start?
1) Wen Yuan
2) Simin
3) Chin ghee
4) Calcy
5) Xin Hui
6) Parkie
7) Imran
8) David
9) Apriee
10) Caryn
11) Seling
12) Florence
13) Melven
14) Hong Yi
15) Ah Lex~~=]
16) Smint
17) Pei Qian
18) Jaselyn
19) Guo Lun
20) Mei Fen
These names are really random. Don't ask why your name is not there.Here are the questions.
1. How did you meet 14?
Ooo.. My primary sch fren.. hahax... he's zhi yang's classmate and rather close fren!!! o my gawd~~~
2.What would you do if you've never met 1?
Err.. i wouldnt believe there's stull innocent gers arnd.. =]
3. What would you do if 20 and 9 dated?
Sia la.. both gers la..
4. Did you ever like 19?
Err.. ya.. now still wad.. kekexx..
5. Would 6 and 17 make a good couple?
hehex... it'll be interesting tt's all i can say worx.. =]
6. Describe 3.
o my.. she's such a nicie!!!!!! she's sooooo nice.. hahax...
7. Do you think 8 is attractive?
O YA~~ kekex..
8. Tell me something about 7.
he's quite hot.. o and popular..
9. Do you know any of 12's family?
10.What's 8's favourite?
11. What would you do when 18 confesses that he/she likes you?
hehex.. wun be surprise la.. we saying tt to one another every other day wad.. hehex.. wad are best frens for rite?
12. What language(s) does 15 speak?
ehh.. english and chinese?
13. Who is 9 going out with?
oo.. she's currently unattached=]
14.How old is 16 now?
15. When is the last time you talk to 13?
o my.. last mth i think.. haix.. she's in aj..
16. What is 2's favourite band/singer?
hmm.. she don hab a specific one.. hmm.. she like lee hom's songs..
17. Would you ever date 4?
hmm... if i become les la..
18. Would you ever date 7?
haiya.. sometimes horx.. things don go ur way wan la..
19. Is 15 single?
haiya him ar.. dunno la.. tink he's attached to some kid. hehex..
20. What's 10's last name?
21. Would you ever be in a serious relationship with 11?
oo... considering our nature, even if we become les, will definitely not be serious wan la...
22. What school does 3 go to?
23. Where does 6 live?
ehh.. cant rem..
24. What's fav thing about 5?
oo.. her eyes.. soo big..
25. Have you seen 1 naked?
o no.. thou i hope to!! heheex..
Ok now i must tag 5 unlucky people to do this stupid thing. Sorry. Don't blame me!
1) Apriee
2) Caryn
3) Florence
4) Smint
5) wenyuan
sowie gers~~
1) Wen Yuan
2) Simin
3) Chin ghee
4) Calcy
5) Xin Hui
6) Parkie
7) Imran
8) David
9) Apriee
10) Caryn
11) Seling
12) Florence
13) Melven
14) Hong Yi
15) Ah Lex~~=]
16) Smint
17) Pei Qian
18) Jaselyn
19) Guo Lun
20) Mei Fen
These names are really random. Don't ask why your name is not there.Here are the questions.
1. How did you meet 14?
Ooo.. My primary sch fren.. hahax... he's zhi yang's classmate and rather close fren!!! o my gawd~~~
2.What would you do if you've never met 1?
Err.. i wouldnt believe there's stull innocent gers arnd.. =]
3. What would you do if 20 and 9 dated?
Sia la.. both gers la..
4. Did you ever like 19?
Err.. ya.. now still wad.. kekexx..
5. Would 6 and 17 make a good couple?
hehex... it'll be interesting tt's all i can say worx.. =]
6. Describe 3.
o my.. she's such a nicie!!!!!! she's sooooo nice.. hahax...
7. Do you think 8 is attractive?
O YA~~ kekex..
8. Tell me something about 7.
he's quite hot.. o and popular..
9. Do you know any of 12's family?
10.What's 8's favourite?
11. What would you do when 18 confesses that he/she likes you?
hehex.. wun be surprise la.. we saying tt to one another every other day wad.. hehex.. wad are best frens for rite?
12. What language(s) does 15 speak?
ehh.. english and chinese?
13. Who is 9 going out with?
oo.. she's currently unattached=]
14.How old is 16 now?
15. When is the last time you talk to 13?
o my.. last mth i think.. haix.. she's in aj..
16. What is 2's favourite band/singer?
hmm.. she don hab a specific one.. hmm.. she like lee hom's songs..
17. Would you ever date 4?
hmm... if i become les la..
18. Would you ever date 7?
haiya.. sometimes horx.. things don go ur way wan la..
19. Is 15 single?
haiya him ar.. dunno la.. tink he's attached to some kid. hehex..
20. What's 10's last name?
21. Would you ever be in a serious relationship with 11?
oo... considering our nature, even if we become les, will definitely not be serious wan la...
22. What school does 3 go to?
23. Where does 6 live?
ehh.. cant rem..
24. What's fav thing about 5?
oo.. her eyes.. soo big..
25. Have you seen 1 naked?
o no.. thou i hope to!! heheex..
Ok now i must tag 5 unlucky people to do this stupid thing. Sorry. Don't blame me!
1) Apriee
2) Caryn
3) Florence
4) Smint
5) wenyuan
sowie gers~~
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
kekex.. i was so happi ytd larX.. kekex...i called FM1003(previosly known as UFM100.3), and i sang!!!!!!!
wads best ish tt the deejays said tt i sang like professional!!
O my gawd~~
im like so happi lar!!
den they asked mie whether i went fer ani singing competition, den i remembered my terrible incident when i forgot my lyrics.... sad~~
den i tried caling in again to see whether i can get thru.. and guess wad? i8 got thru again!!
which is like darn freaking embarassing larx~~ hmm
oya.. tml mardi gras.. hmm haben decided on wad to wear yet..
Monday, April 10, 2006
Kekex.. sowie to all bout my blog these few days.. hmm...think i somehow spoiled it tt day i was trying to fix it.. hmm.. hear the irony??
kekex.. btw.. im like so sad...
tt day neber go for camp.. den heard from simin tt he dressed up as a ger!! kekex.. hilarious..
haix.. im now like in the hub.. waiting for vball training.. when i cant go for it!! apparently, my back muscle strain dun allow mie to go for anithing!!! hm.. kinda sad..
Thursday, April 06, 2006
hmm.. so sad.. neber go sch..damn lazy la..
shit larx.. today got vball training den neber go...
damn sad la..
but i gtg kk later on fer my checkup.. so..
miss everyone at sch sia...
oya... wann see my class peeps? hehex..

Tuesday, April 04, 2006
yesterday.. was sitting to the train to go hm.. and felt like like like.. why am i soo stoopid?? choose a damn bloody far jc.. den hab to waste so much trouble and time and energy just to go to sch everyday!!!
im so sad.. and tired...
oya.. blood test result not out yet.. hmm.. think im dying soon.. kekex..
yeah~~~ finally get into vball!! heex.. thou not sch team, but im freaking happi!!!!! =]
Saturday, April 01, 2006
hahax.. im like so freaking so stoopid la.. idayu kept on describing to mie how to put up the songs.. but stoopid mie still dunno hoW tO lorx.. haix...omg.. totally dunn feel like doing any of my tutorials.. sad.. but geog i haben do.. how????
sommore keep thinking bout him.. when i noe its impossible.. idiotic rite??
oya.. read in the nite newspaper that there is actually an increase in the no. of hm abuse.. and the thing is, this time round, its actually the guys getting beaten up??!?! im like.. WHAT??!!
dunno wad to say.. heex.. women getting stronger or men getting weaker??
shd be men getting weaker?? =]
haix.. so sianx..
couldn slp last nite.. den woke up like 6 plus in the morning..
stoopid sia.. hahax
got so mani tutorials to do.. sad.. cos like from start of the yr's tutorial i haben do till now.. heex..
who's fault?
haiya... dunno can put music in blog anot horx??
anyone noes?? tell mie okii..
thankew~~~ =)
couldn slp last nite.. den woke up like 6 plus in the morning..
stoopid sia.. hahax
got so mani tutorials to do.. sad.. cos like from start of the yr's tutorial i haben do till now.. heex..
who's fault?
haiya... dunno can put music in blog anot horx??
anyone noes?? tell mie okii..
thankew~~~ =)